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If he has only one putter he will generally make some sort of a success of it if he can putt at all, and my private belief is that the putter itself has very little to do with the way in which a golfer putts. It is the man that counts and not the tool. I have tried all kinds of putters in my time, and have generally gone back to the plainest and simplest of all.

He had never shown much indication of becoming anything in the nature of a first-class golfer, but he had managed to acquire one or two decent shots. His work with the light iron was not at all bad, and he was a fairly steady putter. But now, under the shadow of this tragedy, he dropped right back to the form of his earliest period.

"Tom, I don't know any man I'd rather take than you," said Austen. The unsuspecting Tom was too good-natured to be offended, and shortly after dinner Austen found himself in the process of being looked over by a stout gentleman named Putter, proprietor of Putter's Livery, who claimed to be a judge of men as well as horses. Austen had been through his stalls and chosen a mare.

"Ay?" questioned the learned judge, looking as though neither his lunch nor breakfast nor, for that matter, any nourishment absorbed since the Taft administration, had agreed with him. "I'm a bit of a gardener myself, gentlemen," the witness assured them confidentially, settling back comfortably. "I putter around my own place Saturdays and Sundays and I know what devilgrass is like.

A good tee shot well into the middle of the course, a second that is as clean as a shot can be and as straight as a bullet from a gun, with the gods of golf smiling approval all the way and particularly when your second is nearing the green with all these you may ask for your putter for the third stroke.

"Mr Simple," inquired the first lieutenant, "where do you come from?" "From the gun wharf, sir, with the gunner's spare blocks, and breechings." "Very well send the marines aft to clear the boat, and pipe away the first putter. Mr Simple, jump into the first cutter, and go to Mount Wise for the officers. Be careful that none of your men leave the boat. Come, be smart."

The dishes were all washed and dried but for a half hour her mother would putter about in the kitchen. She always did that. She would arrange and rearrange, pick up dishes and put them down again. She clung to the kitchen. It was as though she dreaded the hours that must pass before she could go upstairs and to bed and asleep, to fall into the oblivion of sleep.

Andrews I go to Ganton An invitation to the south of France The Championship at Muirfield An exciting finish A stiff problem at the last hole I tie with Taylor We play off, and I win the Championship A tale of a putter Ben Sayers wants a "wun'" What Andrew thought of Muirfield I win the Championship again at Prestwick Willie Park as runner-up My great match with Park Excellent arrangements A welcome victory On money matches in general My third Championship at Sandwich My fourth at Prestwick Golf under difficulties.

In short her manner was strange, and, if Edgar Allen Poe had put her into "The Fall Of the House of Usher", she would have fitted it like the paper on the wall. She had the air of one waiting tensely for the approach of some imminent doom. Mortimer, humming gaily to himself as he sand-papered the blade of his twenty-second putter, observed none of this. He was thinking of the morrow's play.

It haunted him, and often as he worked he glanced uneasily over his shoulder into the darkness beyond, with a sort of feeling that he was being watched that there was a presence, an invisible something or some one hovering near, and listening to his very thoughts. It was quite a relief when a putter or any one came near that he could speak to.