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However, I wasn't goin' to be beat by that cove, so I say to 'im, Jack, I says, I planted it so a purpus, an' w'en it sprouts I'm a-goin' to 'ang it up to see if it won't grow through the 'ole in the bottom. In the second place, I couldn't retain the sitivation 'cause I don't intend to take it, though you was to offer me six thousand no shillin's an' no pence no farthin's a year as salary.

I don't want you to break your heart before de time, an' fur dat purpus I would remind you dat while dar's life dar's hope. Moreober, you's got no notion what luck you're in. If a bad massa got hold ob you, he gib you no noo clo'es, he gib you hard, black bread 'stead o' de good grub what you gits yar.

"You can read, I suppose?" "Oh yes; I can read well enough." "What have you read?" demanded Bob. "On'y bits of old noospapers," replied Pat, with a look of contempt, "an' I don't like readin'." "Don't like it? Of course you don't, you ignorant curmudgeon, if noospapers is all you've read. Now, Pat, I got this book, not for myself but a purpus for you."

He told the tale with the greatest gusto, and invariably began and ended in the same manner. "You sin it in th' paper, I make no doubt, but yer can 'aave it from me to its proper purpus. Mr. Dale he plunged without so much as tekking off of his getters and spurs." And then he described how, stupefied by his mortal danger, he treated Dale more like an enemy than a savior.

Howiver, we took him up, an' invited Glutton to a feast next day. He was a great thin savage, over six futt high, with plenty breadth of beam about the shoulders, and a mouth that seemed made a' purpus for shovellin' wittles into. We laid in lots of grub because we was all more or less given to feedin' an' some of us not bad hands at it.

I recklect he called me aside that afternoon, assuming a solamon and misterus hare, "Charles," said he, "ARE YOU UP TO SNUFF?" "Why sir," said I, "I'm genrally considered tolerably downy." "Well," says he, "I'll give you half a suffering if you can manage this bisness for me; I've chose a rainy night on purpus. Talk of Kimble! talk of Magreedy!

Drinkin's all very well if a man wants Dutch courage, but I don't want it no, nor French courage, nor German, nor Chinee, havin' got enough o' the article home-growed to sarve my purpus. When that's used up I may take to drinkin' who knows? Same wi' gamblin'. I've no desire to bust up any man, an' I don't want to be busted up myself, you bet.

But at the back the trees wuz all cl'ared off, an' ther wuz a gairden patch next to the cabin, an' then a cawnfiel'. The only door wuz in front, an' thar wuz no windah either in the back only two little loopholes. One uv the puncheons in the floor hed been left loose a purpus, an' they took it up without mekin' any noise.

The blowing-up seemed to have quite cured his temper at least as regarded myself, for when I afterwards went to see him, with a very penitent face, he took my hand and said "Don't take on so, Master Jeffry. You didn't do it a purpus, you know, and, after all, it's on'y the little finger o' the left hand. It'll be rather hout o' the way than otherwise.

The Town Guard who had questioned the officer about the difference of time, deciphered the blotty writing on the slip of paper pinned round the stem of the new briar-root. It ran thus: "i ope yu wil Engoy this Pip Deer; i Fild it A Purpus with Love and Menney Apey Riturnse. from "'Is gal?" interrogated the Reserve man. "His girl," assented the man who had read.