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The Dindings The Tragedy on Pulu Pangkor A Tropic Sunrise Sir W. Robinson's Departure "A Touch of the Sun" Kling Beauty A Question and Answer The Bazaars of Georgetown The Chinaman Goes Ahead The Products of Pinang Pepper-Planting HOTEL DE L'EUROPE, PINANG, February 9.

So thought Von Hammer as he grasped the long, swaying steer oar, and swung the whale-boat's head to the white line of surf. 'Give it to her, boys; now's our chance there's a bit of a lull now, eh, Pulu? Bend to it, Rídan, my lad. Out shot the boat, Pulu pulling stroke, Rídan bow-oar, and two sturdy, square-built Savage Islanders amidships.

People used to wonder how it was that "Misi Pulu," the shrewdest business man in the group, would supply Hayes with 1,000 or 2,000 dollars' worth of trade, and merely take his I O U, while refusing to give credit to any other soul. Spoken to on the matter, the gruff old man replied, "That's my business, but I'll tell you why I trust a man like Hayes and won't trust any one here.

Hennessy the "necessities of life" which had been placed on the free-list and which included curling stones, teeth, sea-moss, newspapers, nuts, nux vomica, Pulu, canary bird seed, divy divy and other commodities. A sample of the jocosity that partially relieved the tension is the following portion of the Congressional Record for March 18: The Speaker pro tempore: The House will be in order.

Heh! when the captain's gig is pulled up to the davits; he heaves the lead too; and sometimes, when all the ship is lazy, he puts on his whitest muslin and a big red sash, and plays with the passengers' children on the quarter-deck. Then the passengers give him money, and he saves it all up for an orgie at Bombay or Calcutta, or Pulu Penang.

And then suddenly, amid the crashing sound of the thundering rollers on the reef, Rídan raised his voice in an awful shriek. 'Quick! Pulu, quick! Some shark hav' come. Get in, get in first, he said in his broken English. And as he spoke he grasped the gunwale with both hands and raised his head and broad shoulders high out of the water, and a bubbling, groan-like sound issued from his lips.

Else he may die in the boat and we lose the price of his passage; for the white men at Mulifanua will not pay us for bringing to them a dead man. So they cast off the lashings of fau bark that bound Rídan to the thwart, and Pulu, lifting him up, gave him a long drink, holding the gourd to his quivering mouth for his hands were tied behind him.

Be a good fellow an' let me through. No, sir, teeth are free. "What other nicissities, says ye? Well, there's sea moss. That's a good thing. Ivry poor man will apprecyate havin' sea moss to stir in his tea. Newspapers, nuts, an' nux vomica ar-re free. Ye can take th' London Times now. But that ain't all by anny means. They've removed th' jooty on Pulu.

The Tongan on his arrival gave him the large mock nut, minus the real nut and kernel, and the Samoan handed him the basket with the pretended white fowl. The Tongan jumped into his canoe again, and went off in high glee singing: "Niu niu, pulu! Niu niu, pulu!" "Cocoa-nut, cocoa-nut, Only a husk!"

From a variety of this tree-fern the natives take a substance called pulu, a fine, soft, brown fuzz, used for stuffing pillows and mattresses. Your guide will probably understand very little English: let him be instructed in your wishes before you set out. The native Hawaiian is the most kind and obliging creature in the world, and you will find your guide ready to do you every needful service.