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For example, for the birds: Lupe, they would give the name of the fish, Une. Ngongo, Do. do. do. Alongo. Tiotala, Do. do. do. Ngatala. Here, too, there was a forfeit if beaten. They had tripping and stammering games also. One party would say to the other you repeat "O lo matou niu afaafa lava le la i tuafale, Sasa, ma fili, ma faataa, ma lafo i fongavai."

Provinces Fengtien: |Locality |District |Mineral | | | |Niu Hsin T'ai |Pen-hsi |Coal |Tien Shih Fu Kou |Pen-hsi |Coal |Sha Sung Kang |Hai-lung |Coal |T'ieh Ch'ang |Tung-hua |Coal |Nuan Ti T'ang |Chin |Coal |An Shan Chan region |From Liaoyang to Pen-hsi |Iron I avail, etc., His Excellency, Hioki Eki, Japanese Minister. Reply Peking, the 25th day of the 5th month of the 4th year of Taisho.

After we had left this rapid and right glad were we to get away we came, after a couple of hours' run, to the Niu K'eo, or Buffalo Mouth Reach, quiet enough during the low-water season, but a wild stretch during high river, where many a junk is caught by the violently gyrating swirls, rendered unmanageable, and dashed to atoms on some rocky promontory or boulder pile in as short a space of time as it takes to write it.

With regard to the Chinese reverses, Niu Kien, while admitting them, explained that "as the central nation had enjoyed peace for a long time the Chinese were not prepared for attacking and fighting, which had led to this accumulation of insult and disgrace."

But with its extension beyond the circle of official dignitaries, and its consequent severance from tradition and religious associations, whether real or nominal abdication changed its name. It was no longer termed 'niu do, but 'in kio, the old word being retained only in its strict religious meaning, and 'inkyo' is the term in use to-day.

A few moments back Prince Nan An, Prince Tung P'ing, Prince Hsi Ning, Prince Pei Ching, these four Princes, with Niu, Duke of Chen Kuo, and five other dukes, six in all, and Shih, Marquis of Chung Ching, and other seven, in all eight marquises, sent their messengers with their cards and presents.

The first step toward the acceptance of these terms was taken when an imperial commission was formed of three members, Keying, Elepoo, and Niu Kien, viceroy of the Two Kiang; and to the last named, as governor of the provinces most affected, fell the task of writing the first diplomatic communication of a satisfactory character from the Chinese government to the English plenipotentiary.

In Fijian huts there is always a sort of raised platform at one end of the hut, on which are piles of the best native mats, and, being the guest, I generally got this to myself. The roof inside is very finely thatched, the beams being of "Niu sau," a native palm, the cross-pieces and main supports being enormous bits of hard wood.

Niu said that he preferred to leave well alone, and remained wedded to his idols. We next offer a recent colonial case, in which the symptoms, as Mr. Pecksniff said, were "chronic". On 13th February, 1888, Mr. Walter Hubbell, an actor by profession, "being duly sworn" before a Notary Public in New York, testified to the following story:

From the throne the custom spread to Regents and high officers of state, and so universal had its observance amongst officials of the high ranks become in the twelfth century that, as Professor Shigeno states, it was almost the rule for such persons to retire from the world at the age of forty or fifty, and nominally enter the priesthood, both the act and the person performing it being termed 'niu do. In the course of time, the custom of abdication ceased to be confined to officials, and extended to feudal nobility and the military class generally, whence it spread through the nation, and at this stage of its transition its connection with the phase it finally assumed becomes clear.