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He had hardly gained the vicinity of the stable when he heard a commotion going on within. Old Ben and two of the Home Guard boys were having a fight with three guerrillas, who were bent upon stealing several horses. "Let go dem hosses!" Jack heard Old Ben cry. "Dem is private prop'ty; don't yo' know dat?" "Git out o' the way, nigger!" cried the leader of the guerrillas.

"'Wa'al, I says, 'mebbe you won't, mebbe you will, it's alwus a pleasure to meet ye, I says, 'but in that case this morgidge bus'nis 'll be a question fer our executors, I says, 'fer you don't never foreclose that morgidge, an' don't you fergit it, I says. "'Oh, you'd like to git holt o' that prop'ty yourself. I see what you're up to, he says.

Nevertheless they want to drill your prop'ty. I know who the parties is. These fellers that wrote this letter are simply actin' for 'em." The speaker was interrupted by another fit of coughing, which left the sufferer very red in the face, and elicited from him the word which is always greeted with laughter in a theater.

'He has, said she solemnly. 'Affections are a sing'lar kind o' prop'ty, said Uncle Eb. 'Hain't good fer nuthin till ye've gin em away. Then, like as not, they git very valyble. 'Good deal that way with money too, said Elizabeth Brower.

Peace pondered deeply, then drew off a small, worn, gold ring which had lost its "set," and laid it in the man's hand, saying, "That's all the prop'ty I've got except eight hens which I gave Gail for those I poisoned. It had a ruby in it once, but the old rooster picked it out and et it. I used to have two bunnies, too, but last Christmas the German kids ate Winkum and Blinkum all up." Mr.

De po'r ob gyardeens is sump'n I kyant smoke out straight, en I des lak ter know how much dey KIN do. Ole mars'r al'ays manage her prop'ty en we wuz flustrated w'en we see 'im en Mad Whately en he moder en ole miss en all gittin' ready fer de weddin' des ez ef hit was comin' like sun-up sho." "It was a shame," cried Scoville angrily.

How old Swinney come to hold off so was that she used to pay the cuss ten dollars or so ev'ry six months 'n git no credit fer it, an' no receipt an' no witniss, 'n he knowed the prop'ty was improving all the time. He may have had another reason, but at any rate he let her run, and got the shave reg'lar.

Fust the rich folks eend wuz up too fur, and naow et's t'other way." "They be a burnin fences ev'ry night," said Ezra, "an they'll have the hull town afire one o' these days. I don' b'lieve in destroyin prop'ty. Thar ain't no sense in that. That air Paul Hubbard's wuss 'n Abner. Abner he jess larfs an don' keer, but Paul he's thet riled agin the silk stockins that he seems farly crazy.

'Wa'al, says Jim, 'I didn't kill it, an' it didn't die nuther it jest kind o' gin out." John joined in the laugh with which the narrator rewarded his own effort, and David went on: "Yes, sir, they jest petered out. Old Billy, Billy P.'s father, inheritid all the prop'ty never done a stroke of work in his life.

But 't wa'n't no use that is to say, the sure thing come to pass. He had a nom'nal title to a good deal o' prop'ty, but the equity in most on't if it had ben to be put up wa'n't enough to pay fer the papers. You see, the' ain't never ben no real cash value in farm prop'ty in these parts. The' ain't ben hardly a dozen changes in farm titles, 'cept by inher'tance or foreclosure, in thirty years.