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That ain't no more than you've been doing to others all your miserable life. It ain't no more than you done to Clemmie Pipkin years ago, leaving her nothing to live on. But mine will be the last you'll foreclose on, and I'm going to see one or two of the best lawyers in the city afore you do that!" The Captain strode from the room and down the stair. Mr. Fox called feebly, begging him to return.

By this means, instead of merely recovering the money owing to him by the usual process of law, he was enabled, by threatening to foreclose the mortgages, to compel them to sell their farms nearly on his own terms, whenever an opportunity occurred to re-sell them advantageously to new comers.

To save the boy, I had to sell my lands and mortgage my ancestral castle; and this not being enough, in the end I have had to borrow money, at a ruinous interest, from my lord of Hereford." "A most worthy Bishop," said Robin ironically. "What is the sum of your debt?" "Four hundred pounds," said Sir Richard, "and the Bishop swears he will foreclose the mortgage if they are not paid promptly."

No, I shall have him for life. And should he fail in this project, and have but this encumbered property a landed proprietor mortgaged up to his ears why, he is my slave, and I can foreclose when I wish, or if he prove useless; no, I risk nothing. And if I did if I lost L10,000 what then?

"How did you know there was a mortgage," asked Ben, in surprise. "I know more than you suppose. What are the chances that she will be able to pay?" "They are very small," answered Ben, gravely, "but the money is not yet due." "When will it be due?" "In about six weeks." "Squire Davenport will foreclose I know him well enough for that." "So I suppose," said Ben, soberly.

"But he's been thinking it over, Lyd, and he's really seriously reconsidering it. You see the instant Pa dies, the Bank will foreclose, for neither you nor I have a cent, and Len is tied up for years with the Estates " Martie began to speak eagerly and quickly. But her voice died before Lydia's look. "Martie! How can you!

"Is the mortgage for any specified term of years?" "I don't think so." "It merely runs from year to year then?" "I suppose so." "In that case this Squire Hudson could foreclose at any time, could he not?" "Yes," answered Tom, soberly. "Don't make yourself uneasy about it, however," said Miles, observing that Tom seemed apprehensive.

"In case you accept the position we shall expect you at nine o'clock. There is some advertising stuff for the next issue, and I shall want to dictate an editorial." "And if I do not accept?" he put in as she advanced toward the door. "In that case we shall take charge of the Signal as soon as we can foreclose the mortgage," she answered without looking back. "Er good afternoon, Mrs.

Every beat of her heart is for you. It's all her stepma's doings. Mark has got a mortgage on the place, and he told Isabella Clark that, if Phillippa would marry him, he'd burn the mortgage, and, if she wouldn't, he'd foreclose. Phillippa is sacrificing herself to save her stepma for her dead father's sake. It's all your fault," I cried, getting over my bewilderment. "We thought you were dead.

Liddell is going to foreclose the mortgage on the house. He says he cannot wait longer than a week or two. I've tried every way to get the interest, but I can't do it. The little I had left, your cousin George invested for me, and now he tells me I don't understand it at all that it's quite lost.