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"Humph," she remarked, "you're alwus tryin' exper'ments on somebody, an' you'll be liable to git ketched at it some day." "Exceptin' on you," said David. "You don't think I'd try any experiments on you, do ye?" "Me!" she cried. "You're at me the hull endurin' time, an' you know it." "Wa'al, but Polly," said David insinuatingly, "you don't know how int'restin' you be."

Alwus some dum thing ailin' 'em, an' I took consid'able stock in that colt too," he added regretfully, "an' I could 'a' got putty near what I was askin' fer him last week, an' putty near what he was wuth, an' I've noticed that most gen'ally alwus when I let a good offer go like that, some cussed thing happens to the hoss.

I s'pose we might as well tell you that I want it for peerin' out with, and as there's alwus so many remarks passed I'd like it to be sumthin' dressy." "Certainly," said the young lady, and within a very short time the cream-colored bonnet was in reality a bed of roses, highly suggestive to Miss Lottie of the lines "Oh my love is like a red, red rose That newly springs in June."

"'Dave Harum! I says, 'what be you thinkin' of, seein' what he is, an' alwus was, an' how he alwus treated you? Lord sakes! I says, 'you ain't thinkin' of it! "'Not much, he says, with an ugly kind of a smile, such as I never see in his face before, 'not much!

I was better lookin' them days 'n I be now had more hair at any rate though," he remarked with a grin, "I was alwus a better goer than I was a looker. I was doin' fairly well," he continued, "but mebbe not so well as was thought by some. "Wa'al, she was a good-lookin' woman, some older 'n I was. She seemed to take some shine to me. I'd roughed it putty much alwus, an' she was putty clever to me.

He showed symptoms at times, but a touch of the whip on the shoulder alwus fetched him. I alwus carried them straps, though, till the last two or three times." "Wa'al, what's the deakin kickin' about, then?" asked Aunt Polly. "You're jest sayin' you broke him of balkin'." "Wa'al," said David slowly, "some hosses will balk with some folks an' not with others. You can't most alwus gen'ally tell."

"When you got a balker to dispose of," said David gravely, "you can't alwus pick an' choose. Fust come, fust served." Then he went on more seriously: "Now I'll tell ye. Quite a while ago in fact, not long after I come to enjoy the priv'lidge of the deakin's acquaintance we hed a deal.

But it wa'n't in the oil territory them days, or wa'n't known to be, anyway." "But it's eatin' itself up with taxes, ain't it?" objected Mrs. Bixbee. "Wa'al," he replied, "it's free an' clear, an' the taxes ain't so very much though they do stick it to an outside owner down there an' the p'int is here: I've alwus thought they didn't drill deep enough in that section.

The Culloms was kind o' kings in them days, an' folks wa'n't so one-man's-good's-anotherish as they be now. They thought Billy P. done wrong, though they didn't have nothin' to say 'gainst the girl neither an' she's very much respected, Mis' Cullom is, an' as fur's I'm concerned, I've alwus guessed she kept Billy P. goin' full as long 's any one could.

"I won't open my head to a livin' soul," she declared. "What was it?" "Wa'al, I don't know 's I ever told ye," he said, "but a good many years ago I took some little hand in the oil bus'nis, but though I didn't git in as deep as I wish now 't I had, I've alwus kept up a kind of int'rist in what goes on in that line." "No, I guess you never told me," she said.