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No two were alike, except in name for the majority were Pollies. Some were ugly, yet were vain enough to call themselves "pretty;" and some were beautiful, and sleek, and plump, though they piteously declared themselves "poor," and begged of us as we passed.

I used often to drop in there to see if he had anything new, and he would come up to see me, to tell me his troubles and keep my dissecting-table supplied with interestingly diseased dead beasts and birds. One day he came up in a state of great excitement, with a very dead and dilapidated parrot in his hand. "Choost look, Dogdor; here's one of dose measley new pollies I god in from Zingapore.

Singalongohnay was squeaking out her eternal requiems her new versions of the Psalms and Scriptures her blank verse elegiacs oh! how blank! beginning, 'Night was upon the hills, or 'The evening veil hung low, or, 'It slept, or after some other equally threatening form and fashion I can fancy how the bright eye of Margaret would gleam with scorn; and while the Pollies and Dollies, the Patties and Jennies, the Corydons and Jemmy Jesamies, all round were throwing up hands and eyes in a sort of rapture, how she would look, with what equal surprise and contempt, doubting her own ears, and sickening at the stuff and the strange sycophancy which induced it.

Like the North American Indian, the race of Pollies is fast going out of American life. You read an advertisement of "an American servant who wants a place in a genteel family," and visions of something common in American households, when you were children, come up to your mind's eye.

"And wonderful pretty names, too, young ladies, though a seaman doesn't often hear the likes of 'em," cries Peter Bligh, gallant enough, as all Irishmen are. "They're all Pollies in our parts, and it do come easier to the tongue and more convenient if you know many of 'em. Whereby did you hitch up names like those?" asks he; "which, askin' your pardon, seem to me to be took out of a picture-book."

I have come to the conclusion, now, that girls in a house are almost always nuisances, I mean, of course, when, they are not Pollies. Oh, why are you so young, and so loaded with this world's goods, that you will never need me for a boarder again? Mrs.

"Why, what do you know about pollies, old man?" "Pollies bite, I know they do. There was a polly bited Francis once." "Well, and pussies scratch," said Milly. "No, they don't, not if you're nicey to them," said Olly; who was just then very much in love with a white kitten, and thought there were no creatures so delightful as pussies.

Except for one creature, at least, an old gray poll-parrot, that chatters away, and behaves as if it were quite sensible, and knew all about everything." "Hasn't she got any pussies, mother?" asked Olly. "Yes, two I believe; but they don't get on with Polly very well, so they live in the kitchen out of the way " "I like pussies better than pollies," said Olly gravely.

It was not that Florence seemed to take any more care of herself than the others, but she was naturally one of those favored beings to whom no particle of dust could cling, who could use none but the choicest language. Such gentle children have admirers enough; it is the luckless, quick-tempered Pollies, the warm-hearted, harum- scarum Jeans, who need a champion.

It mos' shteenk me out of de shtore, an' de pollies nearly sneeze dere fedders off, but it shtopt de spret, an' it's cureenall de seek ones, an' I het a cold in de het, an' it's curt me." Before using it he had fourteen cases and three deaths; after, only three new cases and no more deaths.