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These latter day Corydons have not the manners of antiquity: they reck little of the seven holed flute cemented with wax, or of the beechen bowl, preferring the coppers that will take them to the village inn on Sunday. A reward in ready money is promised for each nest that fulfils the desired conditions; and the bargain is enthusiastically accepted. There are three of them; and I make a fourth.

The whole of the tender-legged competitors, both for the money and the copper kettle, were hanging in little square green cages over the fireplace; and the one idea uppermost in my mind was how well the linnets must be seasoned to tobacco smoke if they could sing at all in the atmosphere which those Corydons were so carefully polluting.

The first state after that, in the road to refined life, is the pastoral, and without music the tawny-colored Corydons and the red-skinned Amaryllises, 'recubans sub tegmine fagi, upon the banks of the Missouri and Mississippi, could make no progress in the delightful business of love and sentiment."

Singalongohnay was squeaking out her eternal requiems her new versions of the Psalms and Scriptures her blank verse elegiacs oh! how blank! beginning, 'Night was upon the hills, or 'The evening veil hung low, or, 'It slept, or after some other equally threatening form and fashion I can fancy how the bright eye of Margaret would gleam with scorn; and while the Pollies and Dollies, the Patties and Jennies, the Corydons and Jemmy Jesamies, all round were throwing up hands and eyes in a sort of rapture, how she would look, with what equal surprise and contempt, doubting her own ears, and sickening at the stuff and the strange sycophancy which induced it.

In the dreary round of petty details, in the incessant drudgery of a poor farmer's household, with no companions of any sympathy for the family of a hard-working New England farmer are not the Chloes and Clarissas of pastoral poetry, nor are cow-boys Corydons with no opportunity of retirement and cultivation, for reading and studying which is always voted "stuff" under such circumstances the light suddenly quenched out of life, what was she to do?

With the help of COCKER and common industry, he may become a respectable Scrivener: but it is not all the ZEPHYRS, and AURORAS, and CORYDONS, and THYRSIS's; aye, nor his "junketing Queen MAB" and "drudging Goblins," that will ever make him a Poet.

Corydon, besides his pipe, had adopted nuts and beer to solace the tedium of the quarter of an hour that yet intervened before the Bermondsey bird and its Walworth antagonist were to be "on the nail;" and ever and anon fresh Corydons kept dropping in, until some fifty or sixty had assembled. They were all of one type.

In the dreary round of petty details, in the incessant drudgery of a poor farmer's household, with no companions or any sympathy for the family of a hard-working New-England farmer are not the Chloes and Clarissas of pastoral poetry, nor the cowboys Corydons with no opportunity of retirement and cultivation, for reading and studying which is always voted 'stuff' under such circumstances the light suddenly quenches out of life, what was she to do?

Never mind, ma belle you shall have your valse, and Corydon may be as cross as he pleases!" "Don't flatter yourself that she will displease Corydon to dance with your lordship!" I said, laughingly. "Pshaw! she would displease fifty Corydons if I chose to make her do so," said Dalrymple, with a smile of conscious power. "True; but not on her wedding-day."

These Corydons, however, were at ease; they basked free from care in the smiles of their Celias. But Soane, in his philandering, had to do with black care that would be ever at his elbow; black care, that always when he was not with Julia, and sometimes while he talked to her, would jog his thoughts, and draw a veil before the future.