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"Tears to me I'm fool enough already, settin' here in purple and fine linen, like the Queen o' Rome, not that I don't like singin', but the contrary, quite the reverse; but with me it'd be a squawk and nothin' else; and fine feathers may make fine birds for what I care, more like a poll-parrot than a nightingale, and they say you must stick thorns into 'em to make 'em sing; but I guess it'll be t' other way, and my singin'll stick thorns into you!"

"Don't worry, Alec, you've got a snap, believe me," chuckled Stallings; and then unable to longer resist a certain alluring limb which he had been eying longingly for some little time, he bolted up the trunk of the overspreading tree, to hang by his toes, and swing daringly to and fro as some of them had seen a yellow-headed, green-bodied poll-parrot do from his perch.

"When Bailey had the auction at his insurance office, there she was, and, sure enough, that afternoon she landed in our side yard with Bailey's poll-parrot and a circular saw. It amused me. She wanted to use that saw as a dinner-gong, but it was cracked, and so she has turned it into a griddle for muffins.

If they hadn't been sitting in a pub all the evening they'd 'ave spotted you at once." "Oh!" he ses, very huffy. "How?" "Your voice," I ses. "You try and mimic a poll-parrot, and think it's like me. And, for another thing, you walk about as though you're stuffed with sawdust." "I beg your pardon," he ses; "the voice and the walk are exact. Exact." "Wot?" I ses, looking 'im up and down.

"If you ask me," I ses, "it sounds like a poll-parrot with a cold in the 'ead." "And now for your walk," he ses, looking as pleased as if I'd said something else. "Come to the door and see me go up the wharf." I didn't like to hurt 'is feelings, but I thought I should ha' bust.

"Yes," replied Vautrin, "it is all in good style, except that devil of a turban of yours, which makes you look like a poll-parrot." Madame de Saint-Esteve placed Sir Francis Drake upon her right, and Desroches on her left; Vautrin sat opposite, flanked on either side by Emile Blondet, of the "Debats," and the Signoria Luigia; the rest of the company placed themselves as they pleased.

"Fetch Kumbo in, George." The little man went out, and came back agin shoving in a fat, stumpy Zulu woman wot began to grin and chatter like a poll-parrot the moment she saw Rupert. "It's all right," ses Mr. Alfredi; "she's took a fancy to you." "Is is she an actress?" ses Rupert. "One o' the best," ses the manager. "She'll teach you to dance and shy assegais.

Got your name as pat as a poll-parrot. Knows all my private business, I dessay; I'll break every bone in yer body!" He stumbled towards her where she stood her face still transfigured with joy at the sound of her benefactor's voice and made a sudden grab at her hair.

Old Mel had his qualities. He was as much a "no-nonsense" fellow, in his way, as a magistrate, or a minister. 'Or a king, or a constable, Aunt Bel helped his illustration. 'Or a prince, a poll-parrot, a Perigord-pie, added Drummond, whose gravity did not prevent Mr. George from seeing that he was laughed at. 'Well, then, now, listen to this, said Mr.

"Oh, Lord!" gasps Mr. Smallweed, looking about him, breathless, from an arm-chair. "Oh, dear me! Oh, my bones and back! Oh, my aches and pains! Sit down, you dancing, prancing, shambling, scrambling poll-parrot! Sit down!" This little apostrophe to Mrs.