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Afther they was all gone, I wint back to Canteen an' called for a quart to put a thought in me. Vulmea was there, dhrinkin' heavy, an' politeful to me beyond reason. 'Fwhat will I do fwhat will I do? thinks I to mesilf whin Vulmea wint away.

She turned her head aroun' ter look at us an' she give me sech a start I pretty nigh fell off'n my box. "I ain't meanin' no disrespec' ter Marse Bob an' Miss Milly's daughters, but they ain't nothin' by the side er that there young gal what dusted us this mornin'. The bes'-lookin' one er their daughters is Mr. Jeff. He air sho growed ter a likely young man. He air certainly kind an' politeful too.

'Twas more av a rakin' plough, if you will ondherstand, than a clean cut; an' niver did I see a man bleed as Vulmea did, The dhrink an' the stew that he was in pumped the blood strong. The minut' the men sittin' on my chest heard O'Hara spakin' they scatthered each wan to his cot, an' cried out very politeful: 'Fwhat is ut, Sargint? "'Fwhat is ut! sez O'Hara. shakin' Tim.

Und you vood pe politeful, und say 'Yessir' und 'No sir. But you pe in der American ship, and you t'ink you are so good as der able seamen. Chris, mine boy, I haf ben a sailorman for twenty-two years, und do you t'ink you are so good as me? I vas a sailorman pefore you vas borned, und I knot und reef und splice ven you play mit topstrings und fly kites."

Lie still, ye little pinch av dynamite, an' Coort-martial me aftherward. "'Good, sez I; ''tis the likes av him makes the likes av the Commandher-in-Chief, but we must presarve thim. Fwhat d'you want to do, sorr? sez I, very politeful. "'Kill the beggars kill the beggars! he shqueaks; his big blue eyes brimmin' wid tears.

Und ven der able seaman sing out, 'Boy, der water-jug! you vood jump quick, like a shot, und bring der water-jug. Und ven der able seaman sing out, 'Boy, my boots! you vood get der boots. Und you vood pe politeful, und say 'Yessir' und 'No sir. But you pe in der American ship, und you t'ink you are so good as der able seamen.

"I say, blackie," said Mr Douglas. "John Lodge, massa, if you please, massa; blackie is not politeful, sir;" whereupon he showed his white teeth again. "Well, well, John Lodge, you are running us in too close surely;" and the remark seemed seasonable enough to a stranger, for the rocks on the bold shore were now within half pistol shot. "Mind your eye," shouted old Anson.

"Und be politeful!" the German boat-steerer added, his rough voice lifting across the water like a fog-horn. Bub waved his hand in farewell, and his mates clustered along the rail as they answered with a cheering shout. He found room in the stern-sheets, where he fell to regarding the lieutenant.

'Twas more av a rakin' plough, if you will ondherstand, than a clean cut; an' niver did I see a man bleed as Vulmea did. The dhrink an' the stew that he was in pumped the blood strong. The minut' the men sittin' on my chest heard O'Hara spakin' they scatthered each wan to his cot, an' cried out very politeful: "Fwhat is ut, Sargint?" "Fwhat is ut!" sez O'Hara, shakin' Tim.

"Not from the way he pitches into it up to his ears," remarked Harkey. "He does dot shust to be politeful to Mrs. Nelson," was Dutchy's quick retort. "I know, I know, and it is too pad. Why is he not here? Pecause he haf gone out. Why haf he gone out? For der defelopment of der appetite. How does he defelop der appetite? He walks barefoots in der snow. Ach! don't I know?