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Lie still, ye little pinch av dynamite, an' Coort-martial me aftherward. "'Good, sez I; ''tis the likes av him makes the likes av the Commandher-in-Chief, but we must presarve thim. Fwhat d'you want to do, sorr? sez I, very politeful. "'Kill the beggars kill the beggars! he shqueaks; his big blue eyes brimmin' wid tears.

It was a waterfront reporter. It was three waterfront reporters, from three mornin' papers, an' all lookin' for news. "'Joe, says one little runt, all hair an' nose an' eyeglasses, 'there ain't enough news on the Front to-day to dust a hummin' bird's eyebrow. Give me a story, Joe. Somethin' new an' brimmin' with human interest. You must have somethin' up your sleeve, ain't yuh?

"Ef they're not ter be faound alive, then I hope it'll not be the Square that finds 'em." "That's so, man," the other returned, "'tho' it would be a hard job fer any of us ter larn that aught had befallen little Prue, and even that little scamp, Hi Babson, I'd hate ter think of a hard fate fer him, he was so brimmin' over with fun."

Lie still, ye little pinch av dynamite, an' Coort-martial me aftherwards." "Good," sez I; "'tis the likes av him makes the likes av the Commandher-in-Chief, but we must presarve thim. Fwhat d'you want to do, Sorr?" sez I, very politeful. "Kill the beggars kill the beggars!" he shqueaks; his big blue eyes brimmin' wid tears.

"The Hadleys were purty pleased, you'd better believe. They hadn't seen it, 'course, as they wan't wastin' no money on weeklies them days. Sam set right down an' wrote, an' so did Mis' Hadley, right out of the fullness of their hearts. Mis' Hadley give me her letter ter read, she was that proud an' excited; an' 't was a good letter, all brimmin' over with love an' pride an' joy in his success.

He wanted to drink right there with his dead man beside him. And what was worse, I had to give him the bottle. There was a sort of haze in front of my eyes. I wanted to pump that devil full of lead, but I knowed it was plain suicide to try it. "So there he stood and ups with a glass that was brimmin' full, and downs it at a swallow gurglin' like a hog!