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And of all the crowds of wimmen I see a-standin' in front of it admirin' it, I never see any of 'em, even if their own waists did look like pismires, but what liked its looks. Till one day I did see two tall, spindlin', fashionable-lookin' wimmen a-lookin' at it, and one sez to the other: "Oh, how sweet she would look in elbow-sleeves and a tight-fittin' polenay!"

And then she ketched a sight of the alpacker dress Jenette wuz a-makin' and she said "that basks had gone out." But Trueman's wife ground her right down on it. "Basks wuz out, fer she knew it, she had all her new ones made polenay." And then Mother Charnick flared right up and took Jenette's part.

Josiah sez, "Samantha, oh, how I would like a glass necktie it would be so uneek; how I could show off to Deacon Gowdy!" "Wall," sez I, "we can try to buy one, and at the same time I will order a glass polenay." "Oh, no," sez he, "it would be too resky; glass is so brittle it would make you restive."

Hands that hold the destinies of mighty empires have clasped theirs in frankest friendship, and crowned heads have bowed low before 'em to hide the tears their sweet voices have called forth. What feelin's I felt as I looked on 'em! and my soul burned inside of me, almost to the extent of settin' my polenay on fire, a thinkin' of all this.

It was about ten o'clock A.M. when I, accompanied by Cicely and the boy, sot sail from Washington, D.C., to perform about the ostensible reason of my tower, to weep on the tomb of the noble G. Washington. My intentions had been and wuz, to weep for him on my tower. I had come prepared. 2 linen handkerchiefs and a large cotton one reposed in the pocket of my polenay, and I had on my new waterproof.

And then she ketched a sight of the alpacker dress Jenette wuz a-makin' and she said "that basks had gone out." But Trueman's wife ground her right down on it. "Basks wuz out, fer she knew it, she had all her new ones made polenay." And then Mother Charnick flared right up and took Jenette's part.