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Wild, he was, at the fright I'd made of myself. But he frightened me that time. Do you know what I did, madam? I ran away. Yes, I did, round the corners, in and out, I don't know how far I didn't run. Oh, dear, I must have looked a sight, with my hand rolled up in my pinny and my hair sticking out. People must have laughed when they saw me... ... No, madam, grandfather never got over it.

"Hugh Kinross! Hugh Kinross! And at 'Tenby'!" Miss Bibby looked as excited as Muffie had done, when, going to feed her guinea-pig the day before, she found five little pinny gigs, as she tumultuously expressed it, had been unexpectedly added unto her stock. Then she tried to pull herself swiftly together and to look as Miss Bibby should look.

If our friends at the Hall had to do these jobs for themselves, there wouldn't be any to do!" Presently, from his discreet distance, he saw the mother-child going down the road toward Tod's, in her blue 'pinny' and corn-colored hair. Nice little thing! Pretty little thing, too! Pity, great pity! And he went back to the cottage. On his way a thought struck him so that he well-nigh shivered.

Is you goin' t' take un? "'I wathn't thinkin' o' that, says she. 'I wathn't thinkin' o' not. I wath jutht, says she, 'wonderin'. "'They isn't no sense in that, Liz, says I. 'You just wait an' find out. "'What'th hith name? says she. "'Shoos, says I. 'Moses Shoos. "With that she up with her pinny an' begun t' cry like a young swile. "'What you cryin' for, Liz? says I.

No, it wouldn't be right to let ye have me boat, fer ye'd be sure to spile yer pretty white hands an' soil yer bib an' pinny. An' besides, if anything happened to ye, I'd be held responsible. No, ye'd better trot along home to yer mamma before she comes after ye with a strap." The young man was now very angry, and he was about to give vent to his feelings in a furious outburst.

Suddenly awakened, Poppy sat up and looked about her in a dazed way; then her eyes fell on her muddy pinafore and boots, and a hot blush spread over her baby face. "I didn't mean to make my pinny dirty," she said anxiously, "but I touldn't help it; there was such a lot of seed, and I had to water it, and the silly water would run out over the can, though I was ever and ever so careful."

Boy, with his "pinny" on, ran off in glee to make himself promiscuously useful, and I sat down to plan an attack. Where to begin? that was the question. It was such filthy filth, so monstrous in quantity and kind, dirt to be stared at, defied, savagely assaulted with rage and havoc.

The scenes in its neighbourhood, Charmouth, with its high grounds and extensive sweeps of country, and still more, its sweet, retired bay, backed by dark cliffs, where fragments of low rock among the sands, make it the happiest spot for watching the flow of the tide, for sitting in unwearied contemplation; the woody varieties of the cheerful village of Up Lyme; and, above all, Pinny, with its green chasms between romantic rocks, where the scattered forest trees and orchards of luxuriant growth, declare that many a generation must have passed away since the first partial falling of the cliff prepared the ground for such a state, where a scene so wonderful and so lovely is exhibited, as may more than equal any of the resembling scenes of the far-famed Isle of Wight: these places must be visited, and visited again, to make the worth of Lyme understood.

Cordelia adored Clarice and fancied herself just like her beautiful, ambitious, poor, with a future of her own carving. Of course such a case is phenomenal. No other young woman was ever so ridiculous. "You have on your besht dresh, Cordalia," said her mother. "It'll soon be wore out, an' ye'll git no other, wid your father oidle, an' no wan airnin' a pinny but you an' Johnny an' Sarah Rosabel.

"Big eyes, long neck, neat little feet you'd make an adorable Alice in Wonderland, with ankle- strap slippers, and a comb, and a dear little pinny over a blue frock! And your friend can be the Mad Hatter. Look well, wouldn't she, with a hat on one side? There are only the girls to see you, and the more comic you can make yourself the better they'll be pleased.