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"I wanted to find you and Essie. I was 'fraid to see Cousin Charlotte with my dirty pinny on; and I came out here and you weren't anywhere, and then I was so tired I lay down. Oh, it took me such a long time, but Mrs. Vercoe said it was beautiful parsley. Do you think it is beginning to grow yet, Pen?"

There is not so much of the "clean pinny" in life and what wholesome child ever really enjoyed the clean pinny and the tidied hair part of life? But don't run away with the idea that the Australians, either adults or children, are a dirty people. That would be just the opposite to the truth. Australians are passionately fond of the bath.

I 'll be afther saying I never drove anny party with so rich a heart; there ain't a poor soul that asked a pinny of us since we left Bantry but she's got the shillin'. Look a' the flock coming now, sir, out of that house. There's the four-legged lady that pays the rint watchin' afther them from the door, too. They think you 're a gintleman that's shootin', I suppose.

But he had not gone many steps beyond the roses, when he heard the shaking of a bough, and a boy's voice saying, "Now, then, Totty, hold out your pinny there's a duck." The voice came from the boughs of a tall cherry-tree, where Adam had no difficulty in discerning a small blue-pinafored figure perched in a commodious position where the fruit was thickest.

'Not enough, says he; 'just enough to unsettle me. 'What then? says I. 'Put it on the favourite for the St. Leger, says he. And he did too, every pinny of it, and the horse was beat on the post by a short head. He dropped the lot in one day. A fact, sir, 'pon me honour! Came to me next day. 'Nothing left! says he. 'Nothing? says I. 'Only one thing, says he.

An' I hopes, ol girl, says he, 'that you'll be able t' boil the water 'ithout burnin' it. "'Ay, Liz. I been makin' a awful fist o' b'ilin' the water o' late. "She gave him one look an' put her clean pinny to her eyes. "'What you cryin' about? says the cook. "'I don't know, says she; 'but I 'low 'tith becauthe now I knowth you ith a fool! "'She's right, Tumm, says the cook.

"Ye must pay a pinny or ilse put your forefinger in," says McCarthy. They have an idea that all the strength of the medicine goes if the bottle is open, so they trot off with their fingers stuck in the necks. They have the most singular notions about medicines. "It's that strong that a spoon will stand oop in't!" is one man's description.

He's someveres about, and blow me if I don't, find him! a respectable old party in a white pinny, an' 'peared as if he'd go on a walkin' till he walked hisself up staudin'. A scrumptious old party! Mat. Had he a stick, Bill? Bill. Yes a knobby stick leastways a stick wi' knobs all over it. Mat. That's him, Susan! Bill. I could swear to the stick.

She would go away and be discovered somewhere standing with her pinny thrown over her head, in a corner, or against a wall, or even behind a chair. "Yes, you do, Lottie. It's quite easy," said Kezia. And Isabel, repentant, said exactly like a grown-up, "Watch me, Lottie, and you'll soon learn." "Cheer up, Lot," said Pip. "There, I know what I'll do. I'll give you the first one.

Another American squatter was always sending over to borrow a small-tooth comb, which she called a vermin destroyer; and once the same person asked the loan of a towel, as a friend had come from the States to visit her, and the only one she had, had been made into a best "pinny" for the child; she likewise begged a sight in the looking-glass, as she wanted to try on a new cap, to see if it were fixed to her mind.