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Updated: July 31, 2024

"'Twasn't in it," she whined, "nor I didn't put it in it." "For a pinny I'd give ye a slap in the jaw!" said Mr. Coolahan with sudden and startling ferocity. "That the Lord Almighty might take me to Himself!" reiterated Mrs. Coolahan, while the search spread upwards through the house. "Look here!" said Robert abruptly, "this business is going on for a week. I'm going for the things myself."

"So we went back an' told the cook that he didn't have t' worry no more about gettin' a wife; an' he said he was more glad than sorry, an', says he, she'd better get her bonnet, t' go aboard an' get married right away. An' she 'lowed she didn't want no bonnet, but would like to change her pinny. So we said we'd as lief wait a spell, though a clean pinny wasn't needed.

"You know me law," he said; "I never, on any consideration, break into these. You can't sit down to play cards for high stakes with less in your purse, and if I was to change one, be George! they'd all go like a whiff o' smoke. The Lord knows when I'd get a start again then. Bar this money I've hardly a pinny." "Nor me," said Von Baumser despondently, slapping his pockets. "Niver mind, me boy!

Rufus and I eat off the table now, but I give ye my word when he was alive we'd three clean cloths a week, and he'd a pinny every day; and there's a silver fork and spoon in yon drawer I saved up to buy him, and had his name put on. I taught him too. He loved poetry as well as his father. He could say most of Milton's 'Lycidas. It was an unlucky thing to have learned him too!

He's lost a good deal of his color, and I'm beginning to suspect that his food hasn't been properly looked after during the last few weeks. It's a patent fact, at any rate, that my house hasn't been properly looked after. Iroquois Annie, that sullen-eyed breed servant of ours, will never have any medals pinned on her pinny for neatness.

The scenes in its neighbourhood, Charmouth, with its high grounds and extensive sweeps of country, and still more, its sweet, retired bay, backed by dark cliffs, where fragments of low rock among the sands, make it the happiest spot for watching the flow of the tide, for sitting in unwearied contemplation; the woody varieties of the cheerful village of Up Lyme; and, above all, Pinny, with its green chasms between romantic rocks, where the scattered forest trees and orchards of luxuriant growth, declare that many a generation must have passed away since the first partial falling of the cliff prepared the ground for such a state, where a scene so wonderful and so lovely is exhibited, as may more than equal any of the resembling scenes of the far-famed Isle of Wight: these places must be visited, and visited again, to make the worth of Lyme understood.

I'll never call you flourishing Phil again, so don't be standing on pride. Suppose your shister has not a pinny, she's better than the best, and I'll love her and fold her to my ould warm heart, and the daughter of my heart she is now. Honor. Oh, mother! for you are my mother now and happy I am to have a mother in you. Mr. Carv. I protest it makes me almost almost blow my nose. Catty.

Tom did not answer; her eyes were on the cedars where the crows were flying, black silhouettes against the yellow sky. "Did I shtop ye an' break yer heart whin ye wint off wid yer own Tom? What wuz he but an honest lad thet loved ye, an' he wid not a pinny in his pocket but the fare that brought ye both to the new counthry." Tom's eyes filled. She could not see the cedars now.

"No, I don't, you lazy trollop," responded Sarah Emily promptly. "You don't seem to think I ever get tired, an' me with that pinny of yours to iron for Sunday, too!" Elizabeth was immediately seized with compunction. She caught up the towel and went at her task with feverish haste. But her eyes would stray down the orchard path that led to the barn.

Any way, in for a pinny in for a pound, so we must make the best of it; but, if I find that he is playin foul well, God Almighty help him, and that's all I'll say. However, three nights from this will tell the whole story, and if you all make good your escape, you may take my word for it, I'll make a clane breast of it to him and ask his pardon into the bargain.

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