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Father Le Claire listened intently to O'mie's hurried recital. Then he rose up before the little Irishman, and taking both of the boy's hands in his, he said: "O'mie, you must do your part now." "Phwat can I do? Show me, an' bedad, I'll do it."

Loud laughter followed this assertion; but not a few, especially among the older men, shook their heads in open disapproval, and muttered curses at his levity. "But me frind Bill, here," Irish continued, "c'n tell ye more about her'n phwat Oi kin. He's new in th' woods, Bill is; an' so damned green he know'd nayther th' manein' nor use av th' rackets. So, be gad, he come widout 'em.

Now, ye'll go ter him to-morrer mornin' d'ye mind an' ye'll tell him all ye've tol' me, an' there won't be no price asked, an' ye'll keep on findin' out all ye can f'r Misther Robert, an' ye'll play fair, an' ye'll take phwat pay he chooses ter give ye, an' if ye thry anny more thricks like th' dirty wan I've just catched ye wid I'll be back ter see ye, James Riley, an' I'll break ivery damn bone in ye'er body, James Riley.

I says, says I, 'phwat he starts he'll finish if he has ter clane up the whole uv France. That's phwat I said. I says if he makes a bull he'll turrn the whole wurrld upside down to straighten things out. I got yer number all roight, Tommy. Get along witcher upstairs and take the advice of Doctor Pete Connegan get out amongst them kids more."

"I dar yez," said he, "to thry which is the best man. To dhraw them buttons is an even chance between us; an' maybe the best man is him that'll have to die. By Saint Pathrick! that isn't fair, nohow. The best man should be allowed to live. Phwat do yez say, comrades?" The proposal, though unexpected by all, found partisans who entertained it. It put a new face upon the affair.

His housekeeper, who was bringing in his tea, heard him and almost dropped the tray in her alarm. "And is it the schtomic ache ye be ahfter havin'?" "No, Mrs. Brady, it is higher up than the stomach. I am glad to see my tea. 'The beverage which cheers but does not inebriate' may make me feel better." "Phwat ye need is a wife to look ahfter ye and keep ye straight.

His present difficulties mastered, this vivacious master of ceremonies turned to look, with an inquiring glance, upon Dennis, who had presented himself to the attention of the former with the unmistakable appeal of the candidate in his demeanor. "I want a job," said Dennis simply. "Phwat?" inquired the foreman sharply, staring at the mosaic of physiognomy and accent embodied in Dennis.

"So ye tur-rned in an' give th' crayther himsilf a foight an' ye win ut? An' phwat does th' gir-rl think av ut?" "What!" "Th' gir-rl. Is she proud av ye? Or is she wan av thim that thinks ut aisy to quit be just lavin' ut alone? For, sure, ut niver intered th' head av man let alone a McKim, to tur-rn ag'in' liquor, lessen they was a gir-rl at th' bottom av ut.

Bill stared at the man wide-eyed. "Fronte McKim?" he cried. "Aye, Fronte McKim! As sh'u'd 'a' been gineral av all Oirland, England, an' Injia. Av he'd 'a' been let go he'd licked th' naygers fir-rst an' diplomated phwat was lift av um. He'd made um shwim off th' field to kape from dhroundin' in their own blood an' kep' 'em good aftherward wid th' buckle ind av a surcingle.

The Irishman sidled over to Neale. "Say, did yez hear about Casey?" he inquired, in very friendly fashion. "No, I didn't," replied Neale. He remembered Casey, the flagman, but probably there were many Caseys in that camp. "There wus a foight, out on the line, yisteddy," went on the fellow, "an' the dom' redskins chased the gang to the troop-train. Phwat do you think?