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"You boys will get all the adventure you want, one of these days, I think," smiled Dick. "There is going to be a battle over on Long Island sooner or later, and then you will get all the fighting you want." "Hurroo!" cried Tim Murphy, "shure an' thot is phwat we are afther wantin', Oi dunno. It's all av us wull foight to the last gasp, sure an' we wull."

"Phwat are y' doin' on that pony?" Murty O'Toole had come out of the men's quarters, and was gazing open-mouthed at the unfamiliar figure on Bobs "the city feller," for once not apparelled in exaggerated riding clothes, but in loose flannels; already the legs of the trousers had worked up from his low shoes, disclosing a vision of brilliant sock. Cecil took no notice. "Hallo, there!

"Well, it might have been so," O'Grady said, in a more contented voice; "and if I had been killed going up the hill, without even as much as catching a glimpse of the Frenchies, I would niver have forgiven them niver!" There was a roar of laughter at the bull. "Phwat is it have I said?" he asked, in surprise.

"The poor fellow! it's like me own son he has been all this time, so kind when the sickness took hould o' Mike and me! It's meself that wishes he could forget me daughter, for it's poor comfort she will ever be to him. Faith, thin, Dermot," she exclaimed, as he came towards her, "phwat is it at all at all that ye come hurrying like this when the sun is warm enough to kill a body?

"What's a feller goin' to do when one of these top-lofty critters comes araound a-rubbin' it into him?" demanded Gallup. "Nobody likes to have 'em a-sneerin' and a-chucklin'. I like to shet them kind of folks up and shet 'em up good and hard. I've seen old Silence sence we left the bank." "Phwat?" gasped Mulloy, a sudden light breaking upon him. "Ye don't mane it, Ephie?

"Ah, ha! th' feller phwat says me Misther Robert's wife ain't his wife, 'cause th' divorce warn't reg'lar, has been married agin, has he?" Riley's good-humor began to return with this cheerful bit of information. "Then that makes him a liar or a Mormon take ye'er choice. Which do ye think it is, Jimmie?" "Liar," James replied, sententiously. "Right ye are, Jimmie! Right ye are!

As a matter of fact, he had expected to dispose of Greer easily as a gentleman disposes of a clod-hopper. But the heavy-set boy's method of fighting was new and effective. Likewise there seemed to be a certain grim system about it. "First round is over!" called Madden. "Phwat a shame!" cried Hogan.

It's manny th' time I've licked ye good, Jimmie, when ye was a la-ad, an' it's agin I'll do it if I has ter, ter learn ye honesty. Now git up an' set in that chair an' do phwat I tell ye, if ye know phwat's best f'r ye." James Riley rose from the floor and sat obediently in the chair his father indicated.

Any one with a Tammany Hall education knows how to do that, sir." Riley was anxiously awaiting the close of the interview, and eagerly accompanied his son to the front door. Before he opened it, the old man turned inquiringly. "Ain't ye goin' ter tell me phwat it's all about, Jimmie?" "It's too delicate a situation to discuss with the servants," James replied, freezingly. "Me and Mr.

I think I hear Barney Donahoe pulling our latch-string that November night when we first heard of the great Thanksgiving dinner that was being collected in New York for the army. "Byes, did yez hear phwat Sergeant Cunningham was tellin' av the Thanksgivin' turkeys that's comin'?" "Come in out of the rain, Barney," says Charley, feebly. "Faith, I wish I dar', but it's meself is on shtable-guard.