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"How do you know that, O'Gorman?" "Can you prove it?" "What proof have you?" were questions that were asked simultaneously by several voices, among which that of the Frenchman's confederate was conspicuous. "Phwy, phwat more proof do yez want, than phwat's alriddy before yez? When I had me hand in the wallet, there wasn't only the two buttons, the divil a more.

Put two an' two togither an' Oi've towld ye nothin' at all; but av ye fergit ut Oi'll see that phwat th' wolves lave av th' bum-legged teamster is buried proper an' buried deep, an' Oi'll blow in tin dollars f'r a mass f'r his sowl.

"Gintlemen," he said, "he'll be talkin' in another tone within a wake. Bedad, we'll tache him phwat he don't know. We'll send out an appale fer foonds, an' we'll give him all the fight he wants." Mr. O'Fake's hopeful tone was needed to brace up the drooping courage of his friends.

"I don't think either of us would be as successful as Dick," remarked Ben. "That is phwat Oi think," said Tim Murphy, the Irish soldier. "Av inywan, now, could come innywhere near bein' as good at spyin' as Dick, phwy Fritz here," he continued with a grin, "would be the mon, Oi'm thinkin'." Fritz Schmockenburg, the Dutch soldier, grunted.

She made a lunge for the two struggling children, jerked them apart, shook them impartially, and blazed out in rich, Irish brogue, "Ye dirty spalpeens, phwat d'ye mane by sich disorderly conduct? It'll be a long toime afore ye'll iver git inside this fince again to play, ye black-eyed miss! Make tracks now or I'll call the p'lice! You, ye little beggar, march straight inter the house!

Then came a gun-shot, the snort of a horse, a loud laugh. Neale heard all with sensitive, recording ears. "Mac, yez are so dom' smart now tell me who built the U. P.?" demanded Pat. "Thot's asy. Me fri'nd Casey did, b'gorra," retorted McDermott. "Loike hell he did! It was the Irish." "Shure, thot's phwat I said," McDermott replied. "Wal, thin, phwat built the U. P.? Tell me thot.

"No, I have a team here," laughed Bill. "They are in Creed's stable." "Creed's!" The old man glanced at him sharply. "Phwat ar-re they doin' at Creed's?" "Well, that is a long story; but it sums up about like this: I see you know Moncrossen so do I. And Moncrossen is afraid I will crab his bird's-eye game and I will, too, when the proper time comes.