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The two philosophico-historical essays "Laelius or concerning Friendship," "Cato or concerning Old Age," which Cicero wrote probably after the model of those of Varro, may give us some approximate idea of Varro's half-didactic, half-narrative, treatment of these subjects. Varros' Menippean Satires

These satires like the philosophico-historical essays handle some moral or other theme adapted to the larger public, as is shown by the several titles -Columnae Herculis-, peri doxeis ; Euren ei Lopas to Poma, peri gegameikoton , -Est Modus Matulae-, peri metheis ; -Papiapapae-, peri egkomios . The plastic dress, which in this case might not be wanting, is of course but seldom borrowed from the history of his native country, as in the satire -Serranus-, peri archairesion . The Cynic- world of Diogenes on the other hand plays, as might be expected, a great part; we meet with the Kounistor , the Kounorreiton , the 'Ippokouon, the 'Oudrokouon , the Kounodidaskalikon and others of a like kind.

These satires like the philosophico-historical essays handle some moral or other theme adapted to the larger public, as is shown by the several titles -Columnae Herculis-, peri doxeis ; Euren ei Lopas to Poma, peri gegameikoton , -Est Modus Matulae-, peri metheis ; -Papiapapae-, peri egkomios . The plastic dress, which in this case might not be wanting, is of course but seldom borrowed from the history of his native country, as in the satire -Serranus-, peri archairesion . The Cynic- world of Diogenes on the other hand plays, as might be expected, a great part; we meet with the Kounistor , the Kounorreiton , the 'Ippokouon, the 'Oudrokouon , the Kounodidaskalikon and others of a like kind.

The impulse and in general the form he derived from Heraclides and Menippus; but his was a nature too individual and too decidedly Roman not to keep his imitative creations essentially independent and national. Varro's Philosophico-Historical Essays

The impulse and in general the form he derived from Heraclides and Menippus; but his was a nature too individual and too decidedly Roman not to keep his imitative creations essentially independent and national. Varro's Philosophico-Historical Essays

It is a philosophico-historical novel, the scene of which is laid in Florence at the time of Savonarola, the period called the Renaissance, when art and literature were revived with great enthusiasm; a very interesting period, the glorious morning, as it were, of modern civilization.

The two philosophico-historical essays "Laelius or concerning Friendship," "Cato or concerning Old Age," which Cicero wrote probably after the model of those of Varro, may give us some approximate idea of Varro's half-didactic, half-narrative, treatment of these subjects. Varros' Menippean Satires

That we may rightly appreciate what this Monism is, let us now, from a philosophico-historical point of view cast a comprehensive glance over the development in time of man's knowledge of nature. A long series of varied conceptions and stages of human culture here passes before our mental vision.

Ziegler in Strasburg, Geschichte der christlichen Ethik, 1886, 2d ed., with index, 1892; Rob. Retrospect.% In order to avoid the appearance of arbitrary construction we have been sparing with references of a philosophico-historical character.