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I answered all these questions, and he proceeded: 'Tell me, Menippus, what are men's feelings towards me? 'What should they be, Lord, but those of absolute reverence, as to the King of all Gods? 'Now, now, chaffing as usual, he said; 'I know their fickleness very well, for all your dissimulation. There was a time when I was their prophet, their healer, and their all,

Many others were to be seen begging people like Xerxes, Darius, or Polycrates. Philip. These royal downfalls are extraordinary almost incredible. But what of Socrates, Diogenes, and such wise men? Menippus. Socrates still goes about proving everybody wrong, the same as ever; Palamedes, Odysseus, Nestor, and a few other conversational shades, keep him company.

The comic writers of the town, when they had got hold of this story, made much of it, and bespattered him with all the ribaldry they could invent, charging him falsely with the wife of Menippus, one who was his friend and served as lieutenant under him in the wars; and with the birds kept by Pyrilampes, an acquaintance of Pericles, who, they pretended, used to give presents of peacocks to Pericles's female friends.

I had only flown a couple of hundred yards, when Selene's feminine voice reached me: 'Menippus, do me an errand to Zeus, and I will wish you a pleasant journey. 'You have only to name it, I said, 'provided it is not something to carry. 'It is a simple message of entreaty to Zeus.

What? Our Menippus a literal godsend from Heaven? Me. 'Tis even so; from very Zeus I come this day, eyes and ears yet full of wonders. Oh, doubt, if you will. That my fortune should pass belief makes it only the more gratifying. Fr. Nay, my worshipful Olympian, how should I, 'a man begotten, treading this poor earth, doubt him who transcends the clouds, a 'denizen of Heaven, as Homer says?

I must say, Menippus, I should have liked the details here too; it all seems to have been very much to your taste. Me. I could not go through the whole of it, even to please you; to take it in with the eyes kept one busy.

He ordered Alexander, an Acarnanian and Menippus, a Macedonian, to lead his forces thence to Stratum, in Aetolia; and he himself, after offering sacrifice to Apollo at Delphi, proceeded to Naupactum. After holding a council of the chiefs of Aetolia, he went by the road which leads by Chalcis and Lysimachia to Stratum, to meet his army, which was coming along the Malian bay.

Meantime, Amynander, with the Athamanian troops, seized on Pellinaeus; while Menippus, with three thousand Aetolian foot and two hundred horse, marched into Perrhaebia, where he took Mallaea and Cyretiae by assault, and ravaged the lands of Tripolis.

Desisting from the Achaean war, therefore, but still leaving two thousand five hundred armed troops of every description under the generals Menippus and Polyphantas for the protection of his allies, he set out from Dymae, and passing through Achaea, Boeotia, and Euboea, arrived on the tenth day at Demetrias in Thessaly.

Oh well, Menippus, tell me all about it. I do not want to miss a single one of your travel experiences; if you picked up any stray information, let me have that too. I promise myself a great many facts about the shape of the Earth, and how everything on it looked to you from your point of vantage. Me. And you will not be disappointed there, friend.