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Then she got whisperin' to her wall-eyed galoot of a man, an' he turns aroun' smart, an' he sez, wi' a scowl, sez he, 'The meetin'-house ain't no place fer chawin' hunks o' plug, mister; wher' wus you dragged from? Ther' wus a nasty glint to his eye. But ef he wus goin' to fergit we wus in the meetin'-house I meant showin' him I wa'n't. So I answers him perlite.

Tootin' yer own horn ain't perlite. But I ain't afraid o' what sech a feller as Andy Felps says." That night Jack Dalton told them the story of a bear hunt, which was more than ordinarily interesting. He said that bears were by no means plentiful in the lake region and yet there were a few around, some of pretty fair size. "You'll run across one when ye least expect it," said the old hunter.

"That's my secret," he ses, arter the tec 'ad patted 'im on the back and brought 'im round. "You're a marvel, that's wot you are," ses the tec, shaking his 'ead. "Have one with me." Sam said he didn't mind if 'e did, and arter drinking each other's healths very perlite 'e ordered a couple o' twopenny smokes, and by way of showing off paid for 'em with 'arf a quid.

De missus an' Missy Roberta were perlite but bery cold-like, but Missy S'wanee, while she show dat she was a reb down to de bottom ob her good, kine heart, could smile an' say sunshiny tings all de same. Dis night pass bery quiet, an' in de mawnin' de Linkum cunnel say he hab orders ter 'tire toward de Union lines. He feel bery bad 'bout leabin' Cap'n Lane, but de surgeon say he mus' not be moved.

"Ay; and I suppose when he handed it to you he made you feel as if you was a dog that he was giving a bone to; didn't he?" said Williams. "No, he didn't; not by a long ways," answered Jack. "He looked and spoke like a thorough-bred gentleman; but he was as perlite and civil as ever a man could be." "Civil!" grunted Rogers. "Well, I don't make no account of that; it's his business to be civil.

He've led a dog's life, that he have, and I've never heard a grumble, nary one; have you?" "True," said the first. "And I tell you what it is. I believe Bulger's in the right of it, and 'tis all along o' that there Diggle, hang him! He's too perlite by half, with his smile and his fine lingo and all. And what's he keep his hand wropt up in that there velvet mitten thing for? I'd like to know that.

Will you have choc'late? you must, Lady what's your name, anyway?" she demanded abruptly, bringing her black eyes to bear on Phronsie. Phronsie could hardly stammer it out for the tears she was choking back. "Oh, my eye, what a name!" laughed the Dukess, in derision. "Well, you can be Lady Funsie Fornsie whatever you call it. Now, will you have some choc'late? 'Taint perlite not to answer."

"'But surely, Ginger, ses Sam, standing up, 'surely you didn't take a lodger without a character? "'He seemed such a nice chap, ses Peter. 'We was only saying wot a much nicer chap he was than than "'Go on, Peter, ses Sam, very perlite. "'Than he might ha' been, ses Ginger, very quick. "'Well, I've 'ad a wonderful escape, ses Sam.

For thar's the purty letter you writ her, thar's the perlite, easy, captivatin' way you had with her gals and that boy hold on!" as the editor made a gesture of despairing renunciation, "I ain't sayin' you ain't right in keepin' it to yourself, and thar's the extry money you sent her every time.

I couldn't 'a' writ that letter better myself! And the sperrit o' the little feller, jest takin' his dorg 'n' lightin' out with nothin' but a perlite good-bye! Well I can't stop to talk no more 'bout it now, or we won't ketch him, but we'll jest try Wilkins's Woods, Maria, 'n' see how that goes.