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"An' afther that the leprechaun reaches for his crock o' gold an' pulls out a penny. Ye can buy anythin' i' the whole world wi' a faery penny." "Anythinks!" said Michael, skeptically. "That's what I said." "Could yer buy a dorg?" Peter asked, opening one renegade eye. "Sure a million dogs." "Don't want a million.

At the corner of Grand Street, or thereabouts, a "bhoy" in red flannel shirt and black dress pantaloons, leaning back against the crowd with Herculean shoulders, called me, "Saäy, bully! take my dorg! he's one of the kind that holds till he draps." This gentleman, with his animal, was instantly shoved back by the police, and the Seventh lost the "dorg."

"They're not for Keogh," said Charlie. "They're for me. I've taken Keogh's block over." The old man looked at him dubiously. "Well, but y'aint goin' to tie hup no dorg on us for 'em, are yer? I s'pose it's all right, though?" "Right, yes," said Gordon. "It's for Mr. Grant, Old Man Grant, you've heard of Grant of Kuryong?" "Never 'eard of him," said the aged man, "but it makes no hodds.

Acting the host, I paid for our dinners; and as we sauntered into the street, puffing vile cigars, we nearly ran amuck of Dorg Seay and Archie Tolleston, trundling a child's wagon between them up the street. We watched them, keeping a judicious distance, as they visited saloon after saloon, the toy wagon always in possession of one or the other.

"Wal, stranger, I sorter reckon as how 'bout four bits 'ill squar' things dorgs is mighty durn cheap hereabout enyhow." "'But Lufra, whom from Douglas' side nor bribe nor threat could e'er divide," he protested. "Not that its name was Lufra, but he was a blame fine dorg." The woman turned on him like a flash, and he crept subdued back into his corner.

The two had assured Tolleston that the buyers might not be back for a week, and suggested a few drinks in memory of old times. As Archie was then three sheets in the wind, his effacement, in the hands of two rounders like Dorg Seay and Bob Quirk, was an easy matter. Once the wagon was loaded and started for camp, I returned to the restaurant.

'Ortheris, I answered sternly, for I knew what was in his mind,'do you mean to say that 'I didn't mean to arx money o' you, any'ow, said Ortheris; 'I'd 'a' sold you the dorg good an' cheap, but but I know Mulvaney'll want somethin' after we've walked 'im orf, an' I ain't got nothin', nor 'e 'asn't neither. I'd sooner sell you the dorg, Sir. 'S trewth I would!

The agent was jubilant and triumphant, and chuckled in gleeful tones that thrilled the girls with remorse as they remembered the annihilation of McNutt's cherished melons. "Ol' Dan usu'lly has a dorg," said Peggy, between his fits of laughter; "but I guess he had him chained up ternight." "I'm not positively sure that was Brayley's place," remarked Beth; "it's so very dark."

And if," he went on with sudden heat, "she don't break her 'abit of addressing me in a tone what the 'umblest dorg would resent, I'm liable to forget my place and give her a piece of my mind. Coming round and interfering!" "Got your goat, has she?" commented Steve, interested. "She's what you'd call a tough proposition, that dame.

"'Them I got from the city for injuries did me by that there I should say them there dorgs, Cerberus. "'Them there what? persisted Coke, to emphasize the point. "'Dorgs, said the witness, convincingly 'D-o-r-g-s. "'Why s? queried Coke. 'We may admit the r, but why the s? "'Because it's the pullural of dorg.