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'Lorimer's in the Pav., changed, said Pringle. 'All right. He'll do. And, reinforced by the gratified Lorimer, the team went on its way. In the beginning the fortunes of the School prospered. Gosling opened, as was his custom, at a tremendous pace, and seemed to trouble the first few batsmen considerably.

'Welch lives on Bovril for, a month, and then, just as he thinks he's going to score, a burglar with a sense of humour strolls into the Pav., carefully selects the only two cups he had a chance of winning, and so to bed. 'Leaving Master J. G. Welch an awful example of what comes of training, said Jim. 'Welch, you're a rotter. 'It isn't my fault, observed Welch, plaintively.

"I'm late for the 'Pav. the noo! Wait till anither nicht " "All right, 'Arry," he said, not a bit abashed. "I vas just so glad to know you vas doing so vell in business. You're a countryman of mine, and I'm proud o' you!" Late though I was, I had to laugh at that. He was an unmistakable Jew, and a Londoner at that.

In a few years he'll be playing for England, and you'll think it a favour if he nods to you in the pav. at Lord's. When you're a white-haired old man you'll go doddering about, gassing to your grandchildren, poor kids, how you 'discovered' M. Jackson. It'll be the only thing they'll respect you for." Wyatt stopped for breath. "All right," said Burgess, "I'll think it over.

They had a patient hearing, and were ably defended; but we found that the tendency of such amusements was anti-progressive, and against the best interests of an intellectually advancing democracy. I met the mover of the condemnatory resolution at the old "Pav" the following evening, and we continued the discussion over a bottle of Bass.

"We'll meet outside the Pav to-night and have a good talk, Lois," he said; "everybody's listening here. Be there at nine sharp. Who knows, it may be the last time we shall ever meet in London " "You're not going away, Alb?" A look of terror had come into the pretty eyes; the frail figure of the girl trembled as she asked the question. "Can't say, Lois how do I know? Suppose I went as a sailor "

Fawther's took wiv the jumps, I hear, and Alb's gone to the Pav to give her hair. Oh, the fine gentleming I seed his poor toes through his bloomin' boots this night, s'welp me Gawd I did." The admission was received with a shout of laughter from the window above, where a red-haired girl leaned pensively upon the rail of a broken balcony.

Perhaps he's in the Pavi 'Any of you chaps seen Gethryn? 'He isn't in the Pav., said Baker. 'I've just come out of the First room myself, and he wasn't there. Shouldn't wonder if he's over at Leicester's. 'Dash the man, said Norris, 'he might have known we'd be going out to field soon. Anyhow, we can't wait for him. We shall have to field a sub. till he turns up.

If they find out that I was in the Pav. at the time when the cups were bagged, how on earth am I to prove I didn't take them myself? 'By Jove, I never thought of that. But, hang it all, they'd never dream of accusing a Coll. chap of stealing Sports prizes. This isn't a reformatory for juvenile hooligans. 'No, perhaps not. 'Of course not.

Ah, that the dark court should be waiting for them, the squalor, the misery, the woe of it. Who can wonder that the shadows so soon engulfed them? "Kiss me, Alb," she said at the corner, "shall I see you to-morrow night, dear?" "Outside the Pav at nine. You can tell me how your father took it. Say I hope he'll get his rights. I think he always liked me rather, Lois."