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Any lingering hesitation that Carmina might still have felt, was at an end when she read this letter. Good Father Patrizio, like good Mr. Mool, had innocently urged her to set her guardian's authority at defiance. When the morning lessons were over, Carmina showed the priest's letter to Miss Minerva. The governess read it, and handed it back in silence. "Have you nothing to say?" Carmina asked.

She took the letter from me, and waited to hear what I had to say next. 'The person, I told her, 'is a wise and good old man the priest who married my father and mother, and baptised me. We all of us used to consult Father Patrizio, when we wanted advice.

Therefore the saint preached the woe to come, and, turning to the governor, Constantine Patrizio, in his place in the cathedral, he appealed to him to restrain his people. "Let the philosophy of the Gentiles," he exclaimed, "be your shame. Epaminondas, that illustrious condottiere, strictly restrained himself from intemperance, from every lust, every allurement of pleasure.

"Nothing. You know my opinion already. That letter says what I have said with greater authority." "It has determined me to follow your advice, Frances." "Then it has done well." "And you see," Carmina continued, "that Father Patrizio speaks of obstacles in the way of my marriage. Teresa has evidently shown him my letters.

Two days of festival, however, there are in the little church of San Patrizio and Isidoro, when the streets are covered with sand, and sprigs of box and red and yellow hangings flaunt before the portico, and scores of young boy-priests invade their garden, and, tucking up their long skirts, run and scream among the cabbages; for boydom is an irrepressible thing, even under the extinguisher of a priest's black dress.

Bernardo rose from his knees, made his entry, and ascended the chair; but instead of the scholastic subtleties he had designed to treat, he pronounced the old text, "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity." Afterwards, attended by two noble comrades, Patrizio Patrizzi and Ambrogio Piccolomini, he went forth into the wilderness.

The Monday morning brought with it news from Rome serious news which confirmed Miss Minerva's misgivings. Carmina received a letter, bearing the Italian postmark, but not addressed to her in Teresa's handwriting. She looked to the signature before she began to read. Her correspondent was the old priest Father Patrizio.

The speaker was an old man of eighty odd years, a native of Ruscino, one Patrizio Cambi, who was not yet too feeble to cut the rushes and osiers, and maintained a widowed daughter and her young children by that means. "What tale?" said Adone, unwilling to be roused from his own dark thoughts. "What tale, Trizio?" "That they are going to meddle with the river," answered the old man.

"Judge for yourself," he said and held out the letter of warning from Father Patrizio. In silence, Mrs. Gallilee read the words which declared her to be the object of Teresa's inveterate resentment, and which charged Carmina with the serious duty of keeping the peace. "Does it alarm you?" Mr. Le Frank asked. "I hardly know what I feel," she answered. "Give me time to think." Mr.