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Now, no nigger want' to be sol' down de ribber, an' Sambo say, 'Oh, Miss Jessamine, dere's f'ree I didn' sell, an' I'll gib 'em back to dat he-bird, an' ax his pardin. Massa he laff and say, 'If dat he-bird will 'scuse you, I will. So Sambo put 'em back an' de he-bird act' s'if he know'd an' talk' a lot o' good advice to Sambo, but I'se shore 't war anoder nigger w'at tole on Sam.

Ebony ran to the tree referred to, and skipped over with admirable agility, though it bent under him not unlike a tight-rope. "But I can't do that," said Hockins, "not bein' a black monkey, d'ee see?" With a sudden expression of intense pity the negro exclaimed "Oh! I beg pardin'. Didn't I forgot; you's on'y a white man. But stop; I come ober agin an' took you on my back."

I dinna fear anything thot comes fra' a bottle. Pass'er oot! "An' thot he did. 'Twas 'creme de menthay' on th' bottle. 'An', says he, ''Twon't make ye dhrunk. But he was a liar, beggin' yer pardin. "For by an' by Oi see his head a growin' larger an' larger, until Oi couldn't see annything but a few loights on th' cailing, an' a few people on th' edges, loike.

"I am sorry," I murmured, "that you should suffer on my account. I suppose there is nothing cold " "Not enough, sir, in all the 'ouse to bait a mousetrap. Nor would I inconvenience you, if not for your own kind suggestion. But potted meats is 'andy and ever sweet, and if I might make bold to propose a tin " "Very well. Get me what you like, Miss Whiffle." "I must arks your pardin, sir.

The glamour of the London haze, what is there upon earth so beautiful? But it was not to admire it that the cabman had halted. 'I beg your pardin', sir, said he, in the softly insinuating way of the Cockney, 'but I thought that maybe the lidy would like to see Mr. Carlyle's statue. That's 'im, sir, a-sittin' in the overcoat with the book in 'is 'and.

"If you touch that animal again I'll get out," I said, angrily, as the poor brute tossed his head from side to side. "Beg pardin', sir! Thought you was in a 'urry, sir!" came through the roof. "Drive decently, and don't think," I muttered, relapsing into my own thoughts, cutting as the lash on the chestnut's neck. I had stopped the lash, but I could not stop my thoughts.

Ax pardin! if the squire had had such a nose as that, I don't think it's pardin he'd been ha' axing. But I let the passion get the better of me, I humbly beg you'll excuse it, sir. I'm no schollard, as poor Mark was, and Lenny would have been, if the Lord had not visited us otherways.

She said: "Drat you, what do you come a-chaffin me for?" and the estymible woman was really gettin furis, when I mollyfied her by praisin her child, and by axin pardin for all I'd said. "This little gal," I observed, "this surprisingly lively gal when " the mother said, "It's t'other sect is he, Sir: it's a boy."

"My father is a clergyman and a gentleman and an Englishman, and lives down in the country. Our name, too, is Graham and not Grame, as you pronounce it." "'Pon me conshinsh, I axes y'r pardin, sorr.

Keep the change," he unfolded one of the papers. The boy stood hesitatingly, a moment, then said: "Beg yer pardin', Mr. Bastin, sir, but wot's yer fink as people's sayin' 'bout the 'Translation o' the Saints, as it's called?" "I can't say, I am sure, Charley.