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One chubby urchin, with a bundle of Tribunes under his arm, looks mischievously into the pit, and says, "His 'Onor 'ill want the Tribune." Another, of a more taciturn disposition, shrugs his shoulders, gives his cap a pull over his eyes, and says, spicing his declaration with an oath, "He'll buy two Heralds! he will."

I hope yer onor has as much to spair in yer pokit, an will luke alive wid it, for if yoo don't its all up wid me mesmaits inkloodin yoor onors obedent humbil servint to comand ted flagan." "Well, I hope, with poor Flaggan," said Mrs Langley laughingly, "that you have as much to spare in your `pokit, for if not, it is plain that the poor fellows will be led into captivity."

My decision is made; the onor of my famly commands it. I must put an end to my suferins. Make no remarks upon my conduct, Henry; it is orful, I know, but my condition obliges me. Without help, without suport, without one frend to comfort me, can I live? No. Fate has desided for me. So in two days, Henry, two days, Ida will have seased to be worthy of your regard.

"Vell, I vill, if ye von't hinger my feelings with the cold iron. Take away the gun and I'll do the right thing. 'Pon the 'onor of a gentleman, I will." We laughed at his last remark, and the fellow joined in with us good naturedly, as though he did not expect to be believed.

'Onor's 'onor, all over the wurld!" says Mrs. Murphy, grasping the detective by the hand. "Stay till I tell ye all about it. Mary Maguire indeed an' ye knows her, Mr. Fitzgerald this same afternoon looked in to say 'how do ye do, Mrs. Murphy. See this! Mrs. Murphy, says she, 'an' the divil a sich a pocket of money I'd see before, as she held in her right hand, jist.

"Yes, speak! speak!" said the countess, imperiously. "Speak!" echoed the count. "Gaston, my dear friend, pray speak, speak quickly!" Maurice besought. "I wi is ish I could! That's just what I wa an ant to do! But it's not so easy, you bewil il ilder me so with questions. But the time has come when you must know that she has the hon on onor the honor the honor to be" "Go on, go on!" urged Maurice.

Some of the Malaga merchants of Seville accompanied us on our journey. That night we lay at Carmona; and on the 4th of April at Fuentes, the Onor of the Marquis, who is now at Paris, Ambassador from the King of Spain to that Court.

A sea-faring man stands before him. It is Roberto the Rover, disguised as a common sailor. "So," said the King, "thou wouldst have audience with me!" "Aye aye, yer 'onor," said the sailor, "just tip us yer grapplin irons and pipe all hands on deck. Reef home yer jib poop and splice yer main topsuls. Man the jibboom and let fly yer top-gallunts.

On one side of the island of Goa is that of Salsete, in which is the fort of Rachol. Then going along the coast are the forts of Onor, Barcelor, Mongalor, Cananor Cranganor, Cochin, which is a bishopric; and near Cape Comorin, the town and fort of Coulan.

"'Uncle, said she, 'you mustn't say dat ob dear Miss Lunn, or I must decline de onor to dine wid you. It ain't spectful. Mr Sorrow, my missus ain't de slave ob fashion she sets it, by golly! and she stood up quite dignant.