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But he wuz loath to give up this floatin' woodhouse and went on: "How handy it would be for a picnic, jest fill the woodhouse full of Highlariers and set off, baskets, bundles and all. It would do away with parasols; no jabbin' 'em into a man's eyes, or proddin' his ears with the pints of umbrells. Or on funeral occasions," sez he, "jest load the mourners right in, onhitch the room and sail off.

You go along with Aunty Ann while I onhitch old Bill. An' then we'll all go an' see the little pigs." His mind altogether diverted by the suggestion of such strange delights, the little fellow trotted off joyously with Ann, while Joe Barnes led the old sorrel to the barn, grumbling to himself at what he chose to call Sonny's "ugliness" in not making friends with the Kid.

How shall you get back to your place?" "Reckon I'll have ter onhitch an' ride Pepper back, on'y I jist natchelly hate ter see Nell's face when I get thar 'thout Salt. She set sich store by them horses, an' they'd foiler her anywheres. I sort ter hate ter start, miss." "Listen to me," said Peggy. "What does Nell most need?" "Huh! MOST need? Most need?

But I d'no as Faith knew anything about it, for she didn't stay with us only a few days longer, she went on to visit her aunt Petrie and so on to the Ohio, makin' a solemn promise to me to stop and visit us on her way home the last of September. Well, I will now onhitch the boat and row back, and then let it sail on down the stream of history.