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"No," sez Josiah, who had come in and wuz a standin' by the side of me, as I spoke out to myself unbeknown to me sez he in a proud axent "No, they hain't mourners, they are Happyfiers; they are Highlariers; they have come to our party. We are givin' a party, Samantha. We are havin' a diamond weddin' here for Lodema." "A diamond weddin'!" I repeated mechanically.

"No," sez Josiah, who had come in and wuz a standin' by the side of me, as I spoke out to myself unbeknown to me sez he in a proud axent "No, they hain't mourners, they are Happyfiers; they are Highlariers; they have come to our party. We are givin' a party, Samantha. We are havin' a diamond weddin' here for Lodema." "A diamond weddin'!" I repeated mechanically.

As he bent over me, and I see his dissolute linement and mean, I groaned out, "Oh Josiah, is it thus we meet?" "We meet as Highlariers!" sez he gayly, and bent still closter, I spozed he wuz goin' to kiss me. And so philosophical is my mind asleep or awake, I thought even then, the law couldn't touch him for it if he did.

But he wuz loath to give up this floatin' woodhouse and went on: "How handy it would be for a picnic, jest fill the woodhouse full of Highlariers and set off, baskets, bundles and all. It would do away with parasols; no jabbin' 'em into a man's eyes, or proddin' his ears with the pints of umbrells. Or on funeral occasions," sez he, "jest load the mourners right in, onhitch the room and sail off.