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And didn't Sleep come like a sweet, consolin' friend and lay her hand on my gray hair and weary fore-top jest as lovin' as Mother Smith ust to, and murmur in my ear, jest as soft and low as Ma Smith did, "Hush, my dear; lie still and slumber." Wall, the next mornin' such is the wonderful balm of onbroken sleep that any one takes in onbeknown to themselves we felt considerable brisk.

It had took me back into the dim old green forest isles and onbroken wilderness, when I heard a bystander a-sayin' to another one "There is Columbuses relations; there is the Duke of Veragua." And on lookin' up, I indeed see Columbuses own relation on his own side, with his wife and daughter.

"'Whyever if she's locoed, then, argues Dan, 'don't they up an' hive her in one of their madhouse camps? She goes chargin' about as free an' fearless as a cyclone. "'All the same, says Texas Thompson, 'her cashin' in don't prove no lovin' heart. Mebby she does it so's to chase him up an' continyoo onbroken them hectorin's of her's.

Under foot wuz the green moss and rich mold of the onbroken forest. And way up over the white tent the tall tree tops arched, and you could look way up into the green aisles of light with glimpses of sunshine between, castin' shady shadows and golden ones on the grass and moss below.

I felt proud on 'em to see their onbroken dignity and simplicity of mean. And, thinkses I, the demeanor of them books is a lesson to Republics how to act before Royalties; not a-backin' up and a-actin', not put out a mite, not forward, and not too backward jest about megum.

I mistrusted mebby she'd catched it from me, but Miss Meechim turned up her nose and acted dretful high-headed and said there was nothing genteel in such actions and she wouldn't gin in a mite till that day in Vienna she had a letter that brought her nose down where it belonged, and she acted different after readin' it and didn't talk any more about gentility or the onbroken prosperity of the Mudd-Weakdews, and I wuz shocked myself to hear what wuz writ.

The onbroken forest lays before us, and beyend is deep valleys, and high, sun-kissed mountains, and rushin' rivers. A few trees have been felled by Morse, Edison, Field and others, so that we can git glimpses into the forest depths, but not enough to even give us a glimpse of the mountains or the seas.

It opened with the unexpected information that she wuz married. She had been married three years and a half to a butcher out to the Ohio. And I declare my first thought wuz as I read it, "Wall, she has wrote dretful flowery on wedlock, and its perfect, onbroken calm, and peaceful repose, and now she has had a realizin' sense of what it really is."

It opened with the unexpected information that she wuz married. She had been married three years and a half to a butcher out to the Ohio. And I declare my first thought wuz as I read it, "Wall, she has wrote dretful flowery on wedlock, and its perfect, onbroken calm, and peaceful repose, and now she has had a realizin' sense of what it really is."

Imagine that stately, noble presence a-scrunchin' herself in to make a taper on herself or to have her long, graceful, stately draperies cut off into a coat-tail bask the idee! Here wuz the beauty and dignity of the human form, onbroken by vanity and folly. And I did hope my misguided sect would take it to heart.