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"Non, no ting." "That comes o' the want of obsarvation, now," said Bounce in a grave, reproachful tone. "Ye shouldn't ought to be so light-headed, lad. If ye wos left to yer lone in them sort o' places, ye'd soon lose yer scalp. It's obsarvation as does it all, an' in yer partikler case it's the want o' that same as doesn't do it, d'ye see?"

"There's bin some strange doin's up at the Villa," said Susan, by way of changing the subject, while she polished the tea-pot yet more unmercifully. "Ah," exclaimed cook, "that's true; what does it all mean, Mr Horsey?" "That's more nor myself can tell," said Dan; "the facts o' the case is clear, so far as they come'd under our obsarvation.

I pittid the Octoroon from the inmost recusses of my hart & hawled out 50 dollars kerslap, & told her to buy her old muther as soon as posserbul. Sez she "kine sir mutch thanks." She then lade her hed over onto my showlder & sed I was "old rats." I was astonished to heer this obsarvation, which I knowd was never used in refined society & I perlitely but emfattercly shovd her hed away.

"'Twas home-sickness, boy," returned Joe. "How d'ye know that?" "The same way as how I know most things by experience an' obsarvation. I've bin home-sick myself once, but it was long, long agone."

"Hah!" shouted Gibault with unwonted energy. "Look! voila! behold! Bounce, you hab great want of `obsarvation. See!"

I mentioned to him my puzzlements about this matter, an' he up fist an' come down on the table wi' a crack that made the glasses bounce as if they'd all come alive, an' caused a plate o' mush in front of him to spread itself all over the place but he cared nothin' for that, he was so riled up by the thowts my obsarvation had shook up.

"That's exactly what yer father would say to you, miss, if he was alongside of us `You can't help me by sacrificin' of yerself. Then, p'r'aps he would foller up that obsarvation by sayin', `but you may an' can help me if you go wi' that sailor-friend o' mine, who may be rough and ready, but is sartinly true-blue, who knows the coast hereaway an' all its hidin'-places, an' who'll wentur his life to do me a good turn, cause why?

Haco plunged the "bunch of fives" into his coat-pocket, and sat down again beside his agitated daughter. "I can speak purfessionally," said Dan, "in regard to yer last obsarvation consarnin' blind hosses, and I belave that ye're c'rect.

"'Twas homesickness, boy," returned Joe. "How d'ye know that?" "The same way as how I know most things, by experience an' obsarvation. I've bin home-sick myself once but it was long, long agone."

"'Cause ye couldn't wink if ye wos asleep, an' I heerd ye breathe diff'rent from afore, so I know'd ye wos awake; an' I knows that a man always winks w'en he comes awake, d'ye see? That's wot I calls the feelosophy of obsarvation." "Very good," replied Marston, "and, that bein' the case, I should like much to try a little of the `feelosophy' of supper."