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Then I'm rejoiced for your father, because he has such a true-blue son, and has only just found it out. Last of all, I'm feeling particularly joyful for the sake of Chester, because after this, Bob, I expect you'll be in trim to play the game of your life this morning against Harmony Tigers." "Just you watch my smoke, that's all, Jack.

And, of course, the Kaiser is a Junker, though less true-blue than the Crown Prince, and much less autocratic than Sir Edward Grey, who, without consulting us, sends us to war by a word to an ambassador and pledges all our wealth to his foreign allies by a stroke of his pen. *What Is a Militarist?* Now that we know what a Junker is, let us have a look at the Militarists.

It goes with the energetic, the forceful. The dull soul who is content to plod along year after year in the same rut may be honest, and this one redeeming feature may be of such inestimable value to him that it sweetens and softens his entire days. It will bring him friends ... true-blue friends, who will excuse all other shortcomings because of his honesty.

Gentlemen, I desire to speak a word upon this happy and memorable occasion, and my word is this: Being an Englishman I very naturally admire pluck and daring Mr. Beverley has pluck and daring therefore I drink to him. Gentlemen, we need such true-blue Englishmen as Beverley to keep an eye on old Bony; it is such men as Beverley who make the damned foreigners shake in their accursed shoes.

Springdale was a country town, containing a choice knot of the old, respectable, true-blue, Boston-aristocracy families. Two or three of them had winter houses in Beacon Street, and went there, after Christmas, to enjoy the lectures, concerts, and select gayeties of the modern Athens; others, like the Fergusons and Seymours, were in intimate relationship with the same circle.

"I tell you we're genuine, true-blue Union soldiers from Injianny, belong to Rosecrans's army, and are down here to drive the rebels out o' the country. There, you kin see our flag comin' up the mountain." The old man shaded his eyes with his hand, and looked earnestly at the long line of men winding up the mountain-side.

There are about sixty of them. The Loyal True-Blue Invincibles are an Orange Lodge. They also meet in Ballyguttery. There are between seventy and eighty Loyal Invincibles. There are also in the village ten adult males who are not members of either the club or the lodge. Six of these are policemen.

Captain Slingsby's voice sounded louder and gruffer than usual, "I'll warrant him a true-blue, sportsman every inch, and damme! one of the right sort too, sit a horse with any man, bird at a fence, and ready to give or take odds on his chances, I'll swear " "Now really," Mr. Chichester's tone was softer than ever, "he would seem to be a general favorite here.

Although, as he said, he fought like a true-blue British seaman, and gave her broadside after broadside as fast as he could load and fire, he made no impression on her whatever. She had nailed her colours to the mast and would never give in. It is probable that most people can recall occasions when "circumstances" have done for them that which they have utterly failed to effect for themselves.

"That's me to a tee," replied the sailor, with a broad grin. "Is Miss Sommers safe?" asked the middy anxiously. "Ay! safe as any woman can be in this world. Leastwise, she's in a cave wi' three o' the toughest sea-dogs as any man could wish to see one o' them bein' a Maltese an' the other two bein' true-blue John Bulls as well as Jack Tars.