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There was restoration of order in Mexico in 1920 and assumption of an apparently stable political government under President Alvaro Obregon, a Sonora citizen, with whom is associated P. Elias Calles, who had somewhat to do with the Morelos-Oaxaca troubles.

With Carranza, they got a new constitution. With Obregon, they will get peace and a good government." "Then you are for Obregon?" "Naturally. But I must have men and horses and munitions. I Juan Pachuca cannot fight in the ranks." "I don't see why not," said Polly, candidly. "My brother fought in the ranks and he's a college man. He didn't mind." "Oh, well, in America that is different!

"Gathering alfalfa for my cow." "How many Federals are there around here?" "Just a few: not more than a dozen, I reckon." The old man grew communicative. He told them of many important rumors: Obregon was besieging Guadalajara, Torres was in complete control of the Potosi region, Natera ruled over Fresnillo.

The sixth of the original sextet was Adjutant Didier Masson, who did exhibition flying in the States until Carranza having grown ambitious in Mexico he turned his talents to spotting los Federales for General Obregon. When the real war broke out, Masson answered the call of his French blood and was soon flying and fighting for the land of his ancestors.

What I want to know is what the smooth young devil wants around here?" "If there's a revolution in the air, Pachuca would throw in his lot with Obregon and De la Huerta. What he thinks about the First Chief is unprintable." "He had the cheek to tell me to close up the mine and get out of the country," grinned Scott. "That may mean something and it may not.

"Now these Mexicans who want to depose Obregon would like to get him into trouble with the United States in the hope that what they desire would then come to pass." "I begin to understand you," said Bob, with more animation than usual.

Thereupon he proceeded to relate Mr. Temple's theory that the attacks on the independent oil operators, the capturing of Mr. Hampton and the attempt engineered by Rollins and Remedios to capture himself, were all part of a plan to embroil the United States government with President Obregon, as the responsible head of the country whence the outrages originated. "And Mr.

Salazar's band of rebels had crossed the mountains from Chihuahua and had come into Sonora. Popular clamor forced the Federal commander at Agua Prietá to do something, and accordingly he ordered Obregon to take his battalion, proceed south, get in touch with Salazar, and "remain in observation." Salazar was looting the ranch of a friend of Obregon's near Fronteras.

We never expected the old man to keep his hands off the ballot box and everyone knows the man he put up Bonillas has got no show. It'll be Obregon, I s'pose?" "It's hard to say. I was in Conejo a couple of days ago and they said Sinaloa had followed Sonora and a good many of the other states would fall in line in a few days.

All three chums had been listening with eager attention. Now Jack Hampton spoke. Mr. Temple earlier had elaborated for Jack's benefit his theory that a faction of Mexican rebels was responsible for the outrages of which they had been the victims, hoping thereby to embroil Mexico and the United States and thus cause trouble for President Obregon. "Mr.