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"I got Jack Morgan's mother on the 'phone," said Scott. "Seems she'd been trying to get us. The girl got into Conejo about six just after our train pulled out tried to get us on the 'phone and couldn't; so she got a machine and is on the way over." "Got a machine!" Mrs. Van gasped. "Are the Morgans crazy?"

"I wish I could meet him." "You can. I'll drive you over there any time you say." Polly's face hardened. "I won't bother you," she said. "I don't know how long I'll stay here. I want to telegraph Bob." "I told Johnson to wire him from Conejo," said Scott, a bit coolly on his side. "He may bring the return message back with him to-night." Polly felt suddenly ashamed of herself.

Altogether, thanks to the efforts of Mabel and her influence upon a certain invisible person whose identity changed often but who was always to be identified as the "help," things were much better at the Commonwealth than one had a right to expect in a town the size of Chula Vista. Compared to Conejo, it was like entering into the promised land.

If I don't look her up, God knows what'll happen to her over in Conejo, unless she has sense enough to go to the Morgans. If I do, she's going to raise merry heck because I read that letter about the fellow jilting her. Now I thought maybe if you'd let on that you read it a girl wouldn't mind another woman's knowing a thing like that as much as she would a man." Mrs.

She caught a glimpse of a grand piano, bright colored rugs, bookcases overflowing with books, and other evidences of comfort. Hard gave their host an account of the Athens hold-up, not forgetting the part Polly had played in it. "I remembered," he said, "that Li was a doctor, and thought perhaps you'd loan him to us for Jimmy. We don't think much of the Conejo medico."

"So many young men are being shot these days. I thought that young woman was an actress now I am sure of it." "Yes," replied Juan Pachuca to Polly's question. "But do not be alarmed. They will come back in a couple of hours." "A couple of hours!" The girl's voice was horrified. "But I expected to be in Conejo in a couple of hours. I'm in a hurry."

I took my time. You see, the Chink brought us word that there was something going on over here. He seen the barn burning when he was up on the mesa, and he didn't know what was up. He pretty nigh killed Cochise, so I had to walk. I knew there was no use coming here with no horses, so I went to Conejo. They've got martial law there.

He had been in the mood for that once the night they had come over from Conejo together but Fate, or the girl herself, or Marc Scott, he had hardly taken the time to decide which, had interfered and that was over. Pachuca bore Polly no ill will for her part in that affair. That was her province a love affair.

The Rabbit walked into Senor Custodio's and began to talk nonsense, laughing in violent outbursts, but in so mechanical a manner that it provoked his hearers, for it seemed that behind this continuous laughter lay a very deep bitterness. Justa touched his hump, for, as is known, this brings good luck, whereupon El Conejo exploded with merriment.

There were on this occasion but four passengers beside Polly; the two fat ladies, who were, if she had only known it, members of the first families of Conejo; an old man who sat in a corner and read a German paper; and a young Mexican, well dressed and of a gentlemanly appearance, who sat across the narrow aisle from Polly, smoking innumerable cigarettes and glancing at her whenever he thought she was not looking.