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And the fame of the house went far and wide; it was called Ka-Hale Nuithe Great Housein all Kona; and sometimes the Bright House, for Keawe kept a Chinaman, who was all day dusting and furbishing; and the glass, and the gilt, and the fine stuffs, and the pictures, shone as bright as the morning.

H., our third mate, was ashore, and asking them particularly about the size of the sail, etc., and learning that it was "Moku Nui Moku," hailed our ship, and said that the California was on the other side of the point.

"Mine is quarter to six . . . We still have time. Maybe I can get on the early one." They drove over a stream that curved through sparkling green rice paddies. Shortly afterwards, they stopped by the Tahiti Nui. They sat on a wooden porch and looked across the humpy patched blacktop road to a steep hillside, densely green and silent. "Happiness," Joe said, touching Mo's glass with his.

It was as if Birnam Wood had gone yachting. "Tapa nui ekilana lohoo-a" chanted my mate. Following her outstretched hand I discerned a group of taa-taas, arranged in wedge formation, the enclosing sides being formed by swimmers carrying a web of woven haro, in the center of which reposed a visiting chief with three or four of his wives.

Five hundred miles beyond this focalpoint, its convict settlement long abandoned, was Easter Island, Rapa Nui, home of the great monoliths whose origin had ever been a puzzle. Erect or supine, these colossal statues were strewn all over the island. Anthropologists and archaeologists still came to give them cursory inspection and it was on such a visit an unmistakable clump of Grass was found.

Ah! very good, work! maikai, hana hana nui!" "But you'll spend all your money in this way," said the captain. "Aye! me know that. By-'em-by money pau all gone; then Kanaka work plenty." This was a hopeless case, and the captain left them, to wait patiently until their money was gone. We discharged our hides and tallow, and in about a week were ready to set sail again for the windward.

"I used to fetch him oranges and mangoes, and climb for drinking nuts, of which Rui was fond," said Paiere. Paiere was a deacon or functionary of the Protestant church, as was Ori-a-Ori, and I went with the entire family to the Sunday evening service. For weeks preparations and rehearsals for a himene nui, a mammoth song service, had been agitating the village.

When I came into the oven he looked at me, held out his hand, and said, in a low voice, but with a delightful smile, "Aloha, Aikane! Aloha nui!"

She took good pictures; he knew that. He fell asleep for a moment. Mo took over the driving. They were well around the island, past Kilauea, when Joe asked, "The Tahiti Nui, do you know it? In Hanalei?" "A restaurant, bar?" "Yup. With a porch. I want to have a beer on the porch." Mo looked at her watch. "Plenty of time," Joe said. "Which flight are you on?" "Four-thirty," she said.

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