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"I says to him, 'Hullo, Jim, what you doing here? and he said, 'Well, Tom, I come here to larn you how to fight. 'And you a Quaker's son, says I. 'Yup, he says, 'and thee knows that my old folks is none too pleased; but somehow I couldn't stay home comfortable with all the other boys fighting to free the blacks, so here I be.

Kind o' roped safe to the desk in the meetin'-house, so the boys can't git foolin' wi' it. Yup," he went on, with an abstracted look in his expressive eyes, "religion's a mighty powerful thing when it gits around. Most like the fever. I kind o' got touched wi' it down Texas way on the Mexican border. Guess et wer' t' do wi' a lady I favored at the time; but that ain't here nor there.

They put the whole affair in my hands. They'll be satisfied. And as for Cap'n Jed why, he was the one that suggested hiring you in the first place." "Captain Jed! Captain Jed Dean! HE suggested it?" "Yup. In a way, he did. You may not know it, Ros, but you've made a good deal of a hit with the old man. He ain't been used to having anybody stand up to him as you have.

Again, neither See Yup nor his fellow countrymen ever appeared to have any money about them. In ruder times and more reckless camps, raids were often made by ruffians on their cabins or their traveling gangs, but never with any pecuniary result. This condition, however, it seemed was destined to change.

Still in the sick bay, is he hey?" "He's to home. Got a cold." "Yup. It's too bad. Mr. er Sylvester, is he in?" "Naw, he ain't. And Mr. Kuhn's busy. Won't one of the clerks do? What do you want to see the firm about?" "Well, Son, I had reasons of my own. However, I guess I won't disturb Mr. Kuhn, if he's busy's you say. Here! you tell him, or Mr.

Wizard Walker, the Medical Marvel of Modern Times, will now attend to the distribution, after which I will pull a few teeth gratis in order to demonstrate to you the wonderful merits of Oxodyne." "A dentist!" gasped Bob. "Yup," said Baker. "Not much gasoline-torch-on-the-back-lot in his, is there?"

The next day, she asked if I was better. "Yup," I said and left for school. Confident that my skin would heal on its own, I did not want to make a fuss over the red bumps which now covered most of my body. Yet later that day in writing class I had to sto...p reading a poem becau...se I could no...t get the words out, and my mother arrived and rushed me to the hospital.

I had simply made an enemy of him. But I did not know that, at the same time, I had made a friend of See Yup! I became aware of this a few days later, by the appearance on my desk of a small pot containing a specimen of camellia japonica in flower.

That temperator wus down ther' blazin' drunk an' shootin' up the town. Say, I felt kind o' hot at that. Yup, pretty sulphury an' hot, an' I went right out, quiet like, and fetched the boys. Them as had said their prayers wus the first to join me. Wal, we went along an' did things with that. Ah, guess Jake's comin' this way; likely he wants somethin'."

I remembered that See Yup had a Chinese taste for gardening, and a friend, another Chinaman, who kept a large nursery in the adjoining town. But my doubts were set at rest by the discovery of a small roll of red rice-paper containing my washing-bill, fastened to the camellia stalk. It was plain that this mingling of business and delicate gratitude was clearly See Yup's own idea.