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SEBASTIAN PEYTAL Meurtrier Habillement complet de notaire perfide: figure pale, barbe noire, cheveux noirs. LOUIS REY Soldat retire, bon, Costume ordinaire; il porte sur brave, franc, jovial ses epaules une couverture de aimant le vin, les cheval. femmes, la gaiete, ses maitres surtout; vrai Francais, enfin WOLF Lieutenant de gendarmerie. FELICITE D'ALCAZAR Femme et victime de Peytel.

Ste. Marie waved a despondent glove. "I 'ave," said he, "w'at you call ze blue. Papillons noirs clouds in my soul." It was a species of jest with Ste. Marie and he seemed never to tire of it to pretend that he spoke English very brokenly. As a matter of fact, he spoke it quite as well as any Englishman and without the slightest trace of accent.

But Herbert Greyson, speaking up, said: "Good people, prevent the escape of those men until we hear what this young lady has to say! that we may judge whether to let them go or to take them before a magistrate." The people flew to the doors and windows and secured them, and then surrounded the two Le Noirs, who found themselves prisoners.

In a short time she was threatened with fits of her vapeurs noirs; but Emilie, with the assistance of her whole store of French songs, a bird-organ, a lap-dog, and a squirrel, belonging to the girl of the house, contrived to avert the danger for the present as to the future, she trembled to think of it.

"Then I shall like it better than any room in the house, for I dote on old places with stories to them. Go on, please." "Yes, my dear. Well, first of all, this place was a part of the grant of land given to the Le Noirs. And the first owner, old Henri Le Noir, was said to be one of the grandest villains that ever was heard of.

And here, also, for the term of my stay, the presence of the unknown inmate got the house the reputation of being haunted." "The old dumb woman was a shade kinder to me than Dorcas Knight had been, but I did not stay in her charge very long. One night the Le Noirs came in hot haste.

Nevertheless, when the sense of confinement grew intolerable I sometimes eluded her vigilance and wandered about the house at night." "Thence, no doubt," said Traverse, "giving rise to the report that the house was haunted." Mrs. Le Noir smiled, saying: "I believe the Le Noirs secretly encouraged that report. I'll tell you why.

"The vile tyrant who commanded the escort accompanied the prisoners to Durlack, and from there to Carlsruhe. He heaped every outrage upon my lad, because the spirit of the Chateau Noirs would not stoop to turn away his wrath by a feigned submission.

"They must, indeed, since my experience in regard to letters exactly corresponds with yours! I have written every week to both of you, yet never received one line in reply from either," said Clara. "We knew it! We said so! Oh, those Le Noirs! Those Le Noirs!

The priest dropped his book and stood with lifted hands and open mouth and staring eyes as though he had raised a ghost! The two Le Noirs simultaneously sprang forward, astonishment, disappointment and rage contending in their blanched faces. "Who are you, girl?" exclaimed Colonel Le Noir. "Capitola Black, your honor's glory!" she replied, making a deep curtsey.