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"It's wishin' I am that Osman an' his dirty naygurs would come down on us this night, for we're fresh an' hearty, just off the say, burnin' for fame an' glory, ivery mother's son of us, an' fit to cut the black bastes up into mince-meat. Och! but it's thirsty I am!" "If ye spoke less an' thocht mair ye wadna be sae dry, maybe," remarked Saunders, in a cynical tone.

No Chinyman cud fail to be pleased at seein' a tall Englishman hittin' th' Chinyman's grandfather's coffin with a niblick. We sint explorers up th' Nile who raypoorted that th' Ganzain flows into th' Oboo just above Lake Mazap, a fact that th' naygurs had known f'r a long time. Th' explorer announces that he has changed th' names iv these wather-coorses to Smith, Blifkins an' Winkinson.

And he was about to rebuke me hotly, when I told him I had come from Maryland, where I was born. "Why, ye speak like a gentleman!" he exclaimed. "I was informed that all talk like naygurs over there. And is it not so of your redemptioners?" I said that depended upon the master they got. "Then I take it ye are looking for the lawyers, who mostly represent the planters.

"Thrue, boy, the Baron Fagoni feeds well, bekase he's the cock o' the roost; but the poor Naygurs are not overly well fed, and the critters are up to their knees in wather all day, washing di'monds; so they suffer much from rheumatiz and colds. Och, but it's murther entirely; an' I've more than wance felt inclined to fill their pockets with di'monds and set them all free!

The pitaties iss all in, and this lad iss bossing the job, and the Galician women working like naygurs." "What does this mean?" said French, turning his eyes slowly upon Kalman. The boy looked older by years. He was worn and haggard. "I saw a woman passing, she was a Galician, she brought the others, and the potatoes are done. They have come here two days.

He had just heard Sweeny say, "I wish I was bein' murthered by thim naygurs," and had smiled at the utterance of desperation with a grim sympathy, when a faint hope dawned upon him. Not more than a yard above the water was a ledge or shelf in the face of the precipice. This erosion had been carried along the cañon on an even line of altitude as far as the softer layer extended.

"Love of Mary!" she exclaimed indignantly; "and d' ye think any white man that called hisself a white man would work in sich a place as this, and with naygurs?" "But we work here," I argued. "Well, we be wimmin," she declared, drawing a pinch of snuff into her nostrils in a manner that indicated finality. "But if it isn't good enough for a man, it isn't good enough for us, even if we are women!"

"Sure, Davy dear, it puts me in mind of the Saints' day at home," said Terence, as he stood leaning against a picket fence that bordered the street, "savin' the presence of the naygurs and thim red divils wid blankets an' scowls as wud turrn the milk sour in the pail."

He'll be settin' up there undher a pa'm-three with naygurs fannin' him an' a dhrop iv licker in th' hollow iv his ar-rm, an' hootchy-kootchy girls dancin' befure him, an' ivry tin or twinty minyits some wan bringin' a prisoner in. 'Who's this? says King Dooley. 'A Spanish gin'ral, says th' copper. 'Give him a typewriter an' set him to wurruk, says th' king. 'On with th' dance, he says.

Don't give them time to recover themselves; if the naygurs won't go below or throw down their arrums, just haive them overboard." The onslaught of the three other boats' crews which, having stolen quietly up in the confusion and slipped in over the bows without molestation, were perfectly fresh was irresistible.