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"N-o, not in set terms, but that, of course, would have been very hard for him to say. I told you what he said, and there could be no other meaning to his words." "Of course not," I responded. "No, and I fairly longed to reach out my hand and clutch him, because because I was so sorry for him." "Was sorrow your only feeling?" I asked.

What better proof could he have given than the way he followed her about? Proof, indeed! I suppose you'd like to have Lily prove that she doesn't care for him!" "Yes," said Elmore sadly, "I should like very much to have her prove it." "Well, you won't get her to. What makes you think she does?" "I don't. Do you?" "N-o," answered Mrs. Elmore reluctantly.

"But, sir," remonstrated the master desperately, "have you considered what must inevitably happen if a flaw of wind should come round that point, at the critical moment, and break us off, as it is likely enough to do?" "Well, n-o," answered the Captain slowly, "I had not thought of that, I must confess, for I do not believe that such a thing is at all likely to happen.

"You're going down there!" gasped Betty. "Am I?" he laughed. "You wouldn't want us to skip out tonight without even having looked into it, would you?" "N-o." But she hesitated and even shuddered as she too lay down and peered into the forbidding place. "We'll not take any chances we don't have to." He got up and began immediately to make his few preparations.

"Well n-o not just now, I think, thank you," answered I. "And now, Pedro, my boy, tell me about this ship and her captain, and how I came to be here." "That is easily done, senor," answered the lad.

Someone must have left them for us to use. First I thought it was my tramp, and that maybe he was a prince in disgust" she meant disguise "but now I think it was Mr. Strong, even if he did say he had nothing to do with it." "Peace! Did you ask him again, after I told you not to mention it?" "N-o, not ezackly. I just wrote it on a piece of paper and he did the same.

Do you want her particularly, dear?" innocently questioned the lady who was absorbed in filling a jardiniere with scarlet geraniums. "N-o, not very; only I've been growing conscious during the last few minutes that there is a er something lacking in the atmosphere. Dr.

"So your father isn't like Mr. Carson?" "Not a bit yet." "Is he mean to you?" "N-o, not exactly. He is a Catt, that's all. I reckon it is me I, who is mean. I get mad and sass him when he shakes me, and once when he whipped me I burned up his slippers." "Does he whip you often?" "No, this was the only time so far.

Harriet paused, made as if to speak again, but did not do so. "Valour" I began in my hortatory tone, seeing a fair opening, but at the look in her eye I immediately desisted. "You won't stay up late?" she warned. "N-o," I said. Take John Bunyan as a pattern of the man who forgot himself into immortality. How seriously he wrote sermons and pamphlets, now happily forgotten!

Dorothy Denny murmured something which did not reach the ear of Mrs Wade. "Speak up, woman! I say, thou tookest my message?" "Well, Mistress, I thought " "A fig for thy thought! Didst give my message touching Johnson's children?" "N-o, Mistress, I, " "Beshrew thee for an unfaithful messenger. Dost know what the wise King saith thereof? He says it is like a foot out of joint.