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"It will take a long time, but I should like to do exactly like you." Lady Philippa gave a little, amused, affectionate laugh that ended in a sigh. "But, my dear child, you don't think of copying these?" "N-o. But when I grow up I want my room to look like yours. I want the tapestry to have a story. Mother, do you think I could work the story of Saint George and the dragon?

"I suppose you run up to London often," was her first remark. "N-o, not often." In fact, Imogen had been in London only once in the whole course of her life. "Dear me! don't you? Why, how can you exist without it? I shouldn't think there would be anything to do here that was in the least amusing, not a thing. How do you spend your time?" "I? I don't know, I'm sure. There's always plenty to do."

"N-o," said I doubtfully, "I think not. I am not aware that a junk needs an exceptionally strong crew. Do you consider that those vessels are very heavily manned?" "Well, are they not?" she asked.

"Yes, he came in with Ann this morning why?" "Did he did he stay long?" "N-o, I don't think so why?" "Comes round here pretty often, don't he?" "Why, you see, he's your friend, dear, and we are very near neighbours." "Oh, I know all that, but folks are beginning to talk." Hermione's smooth brows were wrinkled faintly and her caressing hand had fallen away.

The ouija spelled out: N-O A-C-C-I-D-E-N-T R-O-B-B-E-R-Y There followed something about being held up by a hitch-hiker. Meanwhile you are getting understandably impatient to explore that unknown realm of the Blind Spot. Be on your way, and bon voyage! FORREST J ACKERMAN, Beverley Hills, Calif. Perhaps it were just as well to start at the beginning. A mere matter of news.

"She's all right here. Let her alone!" he signaled gesticulatingly from child to mother. Then, turning to the Traveling Salesman, he mused reminiscently: "Talking's all right. But where in creation do you get the time to think? Got any kids?" he asked abruptly. "N-o," said the Traveling Salesman. "My wife, I guess, is kid enough for me."