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He had been a great traveller in his day, and the boy listened with enraptured ears to his description of the magnificent gardens in the vicinity of Rome the Lante, the Torlonia, the Aldobrandini, the Falconieri, and the Muti architectural wonders that Austin had often read of, but of course had never seen; and then he talked of Viterbo and its fountains, Vicenza the city of Palladian palaces, every house a gem, and Sicily, with its hidden wonders, hidden from the track of tourists because far in the depths of the interior.

Shah Jahan erected the Jami Masjid mosque at Delhi, and the costly Muti Masjid mosque in Agra Fort, as well as the splendid Khas Mahal, the Diwan-i-ain, and the Diwan-i-khas, likewise in the fort but more satisfying art is represented in the Taj than in all the other structures of his reign.

And presently Madonna Gemma, peering from her chamber window, saw her husband, with a ghastly pretense of care, lead young Raffaele Muti down the hill into the darkness from which there came never a sound. It was midnight when Lapo Cercamorte rëentered the castle, and called for food and drink. Now the shadow over the Big Hornets' Nest obscured even the glare of the summer sun.

It has been made hideous by modern additions which have converted it into officers' quarters. The entrance to the Mûti Masjid is very plain and unpretending, so that one is hardly prepared for the beauty, purity, and the unaffected expression of an exalted religious feeling which characterize the interior.

Then each emerged with a start from that delicious spell, to remember the staring servants. They said good-night. Madonna Gemma ascended to her chamber. It was the horse-boy Foresto who, with a curious solicitude and satisfaction, lighted Raffaele Muti up to bed. But old Baldo, strolling thoughtfully in the courtyard, caught a young cricket chirping in the grass between two paving-stones.

The masses in the courtyard, inhuman-looking in their ponderous, barrel-shaped helmets, surged forward at the keep with a thunderous outcry: "Grangioia! Grangioia! Havoc on Cercamorte!" "Muti! Muti! Havoc on Cercamorte!" "God and the Monfalcone!" "Strike for Zaladino! Havoc on Cercamorte!" Lapo bared his teeth at them. "By the Five Wounds! half of Lombardy seems to be here.

In those petty Guelph courts, wherever the tender lore of Provence had sanctified the love of troubadour for great lady, the noblemen cried out in fury; the noblewomen, transformed into tigresses, demanded Lapo's death. Old Grangioia and his three sons arrived at the Muti fortress raving for sudden vengeance.

He spoke as follows: "Cercamorte, this array came up against you because it was published that you had killed and flayed Raffaele Muti, and, out of jealous malignancy, were wearing his skin as a vest. But just now a marvellous thing has happened, for at the foot of the hill Raffaele Muti has been found, freshly slain by a wandered arrow. Save for that wound his skin is without flaw.

It was the triumph of the best Renaissance style to attain lucidity of treatment, and to produce beauty by geometrical proportion. When Leo Battista Alberti complained to his friend, Matteo di Bastia, that a slight alteration of the curves in his design for S. Francesco at Rimini would 'spoil his music, ciò che tu muti discorda tutta quella musica, this is what he meant.

It was one of the greatest epochs of Indian architecture; besides the Taj Mahal, the buildings erected during these years include four of the masterpieces of the Mogul period the Jâmi Masjid, or Cathedral Mosque, of Delhi; the Mûti Masjid, or Pearl Mosque, of Agra; part of the Agra Palace, and the great palace at Delhi, of which only a small portion now exists.