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"No, neither she nor a coach and four." "I have heard the contrary," said Athelstan. "Heard what, exactly?" "She's up the Pass ahead of me." "She hasn't passed Ali Masjid!" said his brother, and Athelstan nodded. "Are the Turks in the show yet?" asked Charles. "Not yet. But I know they're expected in." "You bet they're expected in!" The younger man grinned from ear to ear.

So they marched without talking over the hideous boulder-strewn range that separates Khinjan from the Khyber, sleeping fitfully whenever King called a halt, and eating almost nothing at all, for only a few of them had thought of bringing food. They reached the Khyber famished and were fed at Ali Masjid Fort, after King had given a certain password and had whispered to the officer commanding.

To make the garrison of Ali Masjid realise that their retreat was cut off, Lieutenant-Colonel Jenkins ordered his men to open fire upon these Afghan horsemen at a range of about 500 yards. Several were dismounted and the rest galloped away, some back to Ali Masjid and some up the Khyber Pass.

September 20 to May, 1858 Lack of appreciation by Government A contrast Delay in issue of prize money and medals Unceremonious presentation of the latter Complete desertion of the city by the enemy A stroll through the city Looting Discovery of hiding inhabitants They are ordered to leave the city Disgraceful desertion of pets State of the streets Hodson captures the King of Delhi The King's appearance described His trial and sentence Hodson captures the King's sons and grandson Their deaths Diminished strength of the 61st Regiment It moves to the Ajmir Gate The Jama Masjid and view from it Its garrison A movable column dispatched towards Cawnpore Soldiers and others forbidden to enter or leave the city The Mooltani horse Indulgence to Goorkhas Their appreciation An exodus Strict regulations State of feeling of the army Work of the Provost Marshal Two reputed sons of the King executed The suburbs An amusing incident Visiting the old positions Cholera still rife 2,000 sick and wounded in the Selimgarh We move to the magazine I am recommended for sick leave I leave Delhi for Umballah I am robbed en route Report matters to Commissioner and receive compensation Leave for Ferozepore and home

The present Fort was commenced by Akbar in 1566, on the site of an older one constructed by Salîm Shah Sur, the son of Shere Shah. It contains within its walls that most exquisite of mosques, the Mûti Masjid, and the palaces of Akbar and Shah Jahan. The principal or north entrance is the Delhi Gate, nearly opposite to the railway station and the Jâmi Masjid.

"Without my leave, Muhammad Anim sent five hundred men on a foray toward the Khyber. Bull-with-a-beard needed an Englishman's head, for proof for a spy of his who could not enter Khinjan Caves. They trapped your brother outside Ali Masjid with fifty of his men. They took his head after a long fight, leaving more than a hundred of their own in payment. "Bull-with-a-beard was pleased.

It was one of the greatest epochs of Indian architecture; besides the Taj Mahal, the buildings erected during these years include four of the masterpieces of the Mogul period the Jâmi Masjid, or Cathedral Mosque, of Delhi; the Mûti Masjid, or Pearl Mosque, of Agra; part of the Agra Palace, and the great palace at Delhi, of which only a small portion now exists.

So he left Ali Masjid at the head of a motley procession that grew noisier and more confident every hour. Ismail still clung to his stirrup, but began to grow more lively and to have a good many orders to fling to the rest. "You mourn like a dog," King told him. "Three howls and a whine and a little sulking and then forgetfulness!"

They afterwards sold at a good price, and I possessed myself of some twenty of the most beautiful, comprising portraits of Zeenat Mahal, the favourite wife of the King, other ladies of the zenana, and pictures of the Taj and Jama Masjid, besides other mosques throughout India.

He it was who built the Jama Masjid, the great mosque set commandingly on a mound and gained by magnificent flights of steps. To the traveller approaching the city from any direction the two graceful minarets of the mosque stand for Delhi.