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At the foot of this spur is the summit of the road which leads the traveller from Trent to Verona; and, as he halts at the top of the zigzag, near the village of Rivoli, his eye sweeps over the winding gorge of the river beneath, the threatening mass of Monte Baldo on the north, and on the west of the village he gazes down on a natural depression which has been sharply furrowed by a torrent.

Among the exiled Pistoians in Florence were Baldo Cecchi and Jacopo Baldini, both men of leading and ready to face danger. These men kept up communications with their friends in Pistoia, and with the aid of the Florentines entered the city by night, and after driving out some of Castruccio's officials and partisans, and killing others, they restored the city to its freedom.

But on gaining the keep he found with him only some thirty of his men; the rest had been caught in their beds. Old Baldo gave him a coat of mail. Young Foresto brought him his sword and shield. Climbing the keep-wall, Cercamorte squinted down into the murky courtyard. That whole place now swarmed with his foes. Arrows began to fly.

Animated by this lightning stroke of their commander, the French turned fiercely towards Monte Baldo and drove back their opponents into the depression at its foot. But already at their rear loud shouts warned them of a new danger.

You can see Lago di Garda, Monte Brione, Monte Baldo wif ze ruin castle of ze Scaliger, Monte Maggiore, ze Altissimo di Nago, ze snow cover peak of Monte Mr. Jerymn Hilliard, Jr., stopped him with a gesture. 'That will do; I read Baedeker myself, and I saw them all the first night I came.

The subject is quite different. It is the adventures of Baldo, son of Guy de Montauban, the very lively history of his youth, his trial, imprisonment and deliverance, his journey in search of his father, during which he visits the Planets and Hell. The narration is constantly interrupted by incidental adventures.

"How is it with you?" puffed Lapo, putting his arm round Baldo's neck. "They have wrecked my belly for me. I am finished." Lapo Cercamorte hung his head and sobbed, "My old Baldo, my comrade, it is my folly that has killed you." "No, no. It was only that I had survived too many tussles; then all at once our Lord recalled my case to his mind. But we have had some high times together, eh?"

Raffaele, having licked his lips, managed to answer: "You mean his brother, sir." Lapo Cercamorte laughed loud; but his laugh was the bark of a hyena, and his eyes were balls of fire. "No! with these legs and ringlets? Come here, Baldo. Here is a girl who says she is a man. What do you say, to speak only of this pretty skin of hers?"

Baldo, clinging to the casement-sill on bending legs, summoned Cercamorte to look at the dancing figure. "What is it, Lapo? A devil?" "One of our guests, no doubt," said Cercamorte, dashing the tears from his eyes. "Hark! the door at the foot of the staircase has fallen. Now we come to our parting, old friend." "Give me a bow and an arrow," cried Baldo, with a rattle in his throat.

Old one-eyed Baldo, Cercamorte's lieutenant, voiced the general sentiment when he muttered into his cup: "This house has become a tomb, and I have a feeling that presently there may be corpses in it." "She has the evil eye," another assented. Furtively making horns with their fingers, they looked up askance toward the dais, at her pale young beauty glimmering through rays of dusty sunshine.