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"Her mozzer vill visit us next veek. I loff and respect Lady Grillyer; but I should not like to have to ask her for forgiveness." "Yes, she has rather an uncompromising nose, so far as I remember." "It is a kind nose to her friends, Bonker," the Baron explained, "but severe towards " "Myself, for instance," laughed Essington. "Well, what do you suggest?" "First, zat you dine mit me to-night.

Vunce more I schmell ze mountain dew I hear ze pipes I gaze into loffly eyes I am ze noblest part of mineself! Bonker, I vill defy ze mozzer of my wife! I drink to you, my friend, mit hip hip hip hooray!" "You have more than repaid me," replied the Count, "by the spectacle you have provided. Dear Baron, it was a panorama calculated to convert a continent!"

Fair, viz blue eyes, short pairhaps but not too short, slender as a—a—drom-stick, and I vould say a maid; at least I see vun stout old lady mit her, mozzer and daughter I soppose.” “And did this piece of perfection seem to appreciate you?” “Vy should I know? Zey are ze real ladies and pairtend not to see me, bot I zink zey notice me all ze same. Not ‘lady vriends,’ Bonker, ha, ha, ha!”

"Zose pipple," she added, "zose lucky pipple who have all zere old pipple wiz zem, they can not know how hard is eet to be a mozzer, wizout a one grand'mère, or oncle."

Alice Adams Fulton became secretary and chief examiner of the commission. Mrs. Mary Wolfe Dargin was appointed register of the U. S. Land Office in 1915 and Miss Clara Ruth Mozzer to the office of Assistant Attorney General in 1917. There have been women clerks, auditors, recorders and treasurers in seventy-five cities and towns, including Denver, and several aldermen. Mrs.

On nothing had the Baron laid more stress than on the necessity of maintaining the most profound secrecy respecting his mission. "No, not even to your mozzer most you say. My love, you vill remember?" had been almost his very last words before departing for St. Petersburg.

Bonker, she does have me watched!" "The Baroness?" "Her mozzer." "The deuce, Baron!" The diplomatist gloomily sipped his wine. "You did hush it all up, eh?" he inquired presently. "Completely." "Zank you. I vas so afraid of some scandal!" "So were they; that's where I had 'em." "Did zey write in moch anger?" "No not very much; rather nice letters, in fact." The Baron began to cheer up. "Ach, so!

This evening when the storm leave himself down it was exactly as my Konfirmation." "Yes." "It was as my Konfirmation. I think of that wonderful day, my white dress, the flower-bouquet and how I weeped always. Oh, it was all of most beautifullest. I am so sensible." "Oh, yes," whispered Miriam. "I weeped so! All day I have weeped! The all whole day! And my mozzer she console me I shall not weep.

You miss them, don't you? Personally, I think it a very good thing that you should go abroad and be a diplomatist, and not stay in Fogelschloss so much; and you'll soon make loads of friends here. Mother comes to us next week, you know." "Your mozzer is a nice old lady," said the Baron slowly. "I respect her, Alicia; bot it vas not mozzers zat I missed just now." "What was it?"

"You have too much self-respect to wish to find yourself in such a position again," she said. "I know you have, Rudolph!" The Baron was silent. This appeal met with distinctly less response than she confidently counted upon. In a graver note she inquired "You know what mother thinks of Mr. Essington?" "Your mozzer is a vise old lady, Alicia; but we do not zink ze same on all opinions."