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"Tell zem ve shall be back in three minutes," replied the Baron, making a prodigious show of preparation for coming ashore. "I am sorry to say that my orders were strictly to escort, not to herald you," said the Count apologetically.

No, no; I most see zem more zan zat." "How long do you expect the process will take you?" For the first time the Baron noticed with surprise a shade of impatience in his friend's voice. "Are you in a horry, Bonker?" "My dear Baron, I grudge no man his sport particularly if he is careful to label it his duty.

"Are zese in proper form?" he asked, but the man seemed to have dropped into unconsciousness. Hurriedly the priest added: "Zere is no time to read zem. Ah! Mr. will you come and witness zis last will and testament?" The Boy got up and stood near. The man from Minóok opened his eyes. "Here!"

'Tony, she inquired with startling suddenness, 'why do you wear earrings? He reddened slightly. 'Because because der's a girl I like ver' much, signorina; she sink earrings look nice. I wear zem for her. 'Oh! But why do you fasten them on with thread? 'Because I no wear zem always. In Italia, yes; in Amerik', no.

Ha! here is military music twenty sossand doors jam on horrid hinge; and right, left, right, left, to it, confound! like dolls all wiz one face. Look at your soldiers, Powys. Put zem on a stage, and you see all background people a bawling chorus. It shows to you how superior it is a stage to life! Hark to such music! I cannot stand it; I am driven away; I am violent; I rage."

"Let's see," said the boy thoughtfully, "a squid is something like an octopus, isn't it?" "Well, no, sair, not exac'ly," the boatman answered. "Bot' of zem have arms wavin' around, but zey look quite diff'rent, I t'ink. An' a squid has ten arms, but an octopus has jus' eight." "Eight's enough, it seems to me," said Colin. "And are there many of them here?

"Zose pipple," she added, "zose lucky pipple who have all zere old pipple wiz zem, they can not know how hard is eet to be a mozzer, wizout a one grand'mère, or oncle."

Raymond Parsloe Devine hesitated for a moment, then, realizing his situation, turned and slunk to the door. There was an audible sigh of relief as it closed behind him. Vladimir Brusiloff proceeded to sum up. "No novelists any good except me. Sovietski yah! Nastikoff bah! I spit me of zem all. No novelists anywhere any good except me. P. G. Wodehouse and Tolstoi not bad. Not good, but not bad.

"How thoughtful of Dugald to have this car " began Eva. "Hush!" he muttered hoarsely. "Yes, it was thoughtful, but you most not speak too loudly." "For fear ?" she smiled, and turned her eyes instinctively toward their driver. "Excuse me," he muttered, sweeping her as gently as possible from her seat and placing her upon the floor. "It vill not do for zem to see you," he explained in a whisper.

"No, no," the boy replied, "I just want to know if you are a milliner?" The Frenchwoman, not at all enlightened by this explanation, answered: "I do not make ze hats; I design zem, and ze ozzers make zem." "Oh, I thought you were the proprietor," said Hamilton; "then you don't own this place!" "I am ze proprietor, but I do not own ze house," she said; "I pay ze rent. But why you ask?