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There it tells the truth, but here it frightens the people on shore and mocks them. The wind does not like cowards. You know it." Haggart says morosely: "I heard their organist playing not long ago in church. He lies." "They are all liars." "No!" exclaims Haggart angrily. "Not all. There are some who tell the truth there, too. I shall cut your ears off if you will slander honest people.

Involuntarily feeling this at dinner on the first day, he was taciturn, and the old prince noticing this also became morosely dumb and retired to his apartments directly after dinner.

Hilda put on a smile for Sarah Gailey, who nodded morosely, and then, extinguishing the smile, as if it had been expensive gas burning to no purpose, she passed into the basement sitting-room, and slaked the fire there.

That isn't because your father's dead." "It'll grow again." "Not for another three years. And I believe I hear your mother coming back." His chin dropped to his chest again. He brooded morosely. Presently Catty came in with the coffee. The next day he was gone. "It seems to me," her mother said, "you only care for him when he isn't there." He had come again, twice, in July, in August.

"Oh, she still goes by that name, does she?" he said. "What do you call her?" said Bunny. Larpent snapped his fingers curtly. "Does she come for that?" asked Bunny. "Usually," said Larpent. "Then she's more docile than I thought she was," commented Bunny. Larpent said nothing. He propped himself against the high mantelpiece and stared morosely out before him to the pine-clad slopes of the park.

Penrod sat morosely upon the back fence and gazed with envy at Duke, his wistful dog. A bitter soul dominated the various curved and angular surfaces known by a careless world as the face of Penrod Schofield. Except in solitude, that face was almost always cryptic and emotionless; for Penrod had come into his twelfth year wearing an expression carefully trained to be inscrutable.

"Can't you eat your dinner?" he whispered. There was no other course open save making a paltry excuse, so I said gruffly, "Never mind, old chap," he said, to my surprise. "Lots of us laugh at you, but . I say, don't tell 'em I said so." "I don't sneak and tell tales," I said morosely. "No, of course you wouldn't.

The others were more amusing. The spectacle of the faces wilting into maudlin abstractions under the caress of the music brought a grin to him. The sounds had drugged the polite little masks and left them poised morosely in a sleepy dream. The lavender stocking crept tenderly into evidence. The owlish glasses focused with noncommittal stoicism in its direction.

Shamefacedly Fred and he hid themselves under the body of the car, and a sound of hammering and stentorian breathing followed. Of them all that was visible was four feet beating a tattoo on the road. Miss Forbes got out Winthrop's camera, and took a snap-shot of the scene. "I will call it," she said, "The Idle Rich." Brother Sam gazed morosely in the direction of New Haven.

By-and-bye half a dozen men drew near from the opposite direction, bearing on poles the remains of Tammas Lunan in a closed coffin. The coffin was brought to within thirty yards of those who awaited it, and then roughly lowered to the ground. Its bearers rested morosely on their poles.