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"And, when you get a good start in that direction," he added, "yuh better keep right on going." The herder surveyed him morosely, but he said nothing; neither did he rise from the rock to obey the command. The dogs sat upon their haunches and perked their ears inquiringly, as if they understood better than did their master that these men were not to be quite overlooked.

He said that he would make a three days' vigil of thanks, and upon the fourth day he would sell matches at a franc a small box. I bade him farewell, and passed on. The valley people were coming and going about their affairs, but sadly and even morosely. There was no match to light the fire for roasting breadfruit, or to kindle the solacing tobacco.

"I've just heard," said Voronok, "that a nine-year-old boy is kept in confinement by the police." "The young rebel!" said the Vice-Governor savagely. "Yes, and I've also heard," said Poterin, "that a thirteen-year-old boy has been arrested. Such a little beggar, and already in revolt." The Vice-Governor said morosely: "He's going with his grandfather to Siberia."

Thas bad the Colonel will kill me." "Yes, and do a danged good job," grumbled Wiley morosely. "You sure got me in Dutch with Virginia." "She says you stole her mine," defended Charley stoutly. "And don't you say nothing against Virginia. She's noblest girl the sun ever shined. I'll kill any man that says different!" "Oh yes, sure," agreed Wiley, "I'd do that myself.

I might have waited for the report to have reached you from hearsay, or through the evening papers; but I preferred to be the one to tell you. You can understand why." Sullen and unmollified, the young man thus addressed eyed, apprehensively, his father's old friend, placed so unfortunately in his regard, and morosely exclaimed: "Out with it! I'm a poor hand at guessing. What has happened now?"

"I was quickly looking through a Newsweek at a newsstand while I came here sorry, while I was coming here. Let me start again. While I was coming here I glanced at a Newsweek." "Bravo. Finally, good grammar!," she bantered. He smiled morosely. "The article said that in the Democratic Republic of Congo a door of a cargo plane fell open.

All night long, whenever I woke up as the train halted, the little man was still guarding them jealously as a dog guards a bone, and staring morosely at the blank wall of the future. These were among the lucky ones; the boy and woman had had a man to meet them. Somewhere in France there was protection awaiting them and the shelter of a house that was not charity.

"Personally, I sympathise with the kid," he added, "Still, the Gazeka is a prefect " Bob gnawed a pen-holder morosely. "Silly young idiot," he said. "Sickening thing being run out," suggested Burgess. "Still " "I know. It's rather hard to see what to do. I suppose if the Gazeka insists, one's bound to support him." "I suppose so." "Awful rot. Prefects' lickings aren't meant for that sort of thing.

'An if I am, it's noa consarn o' yourn. Yo're yan o' th'unregenerate; an I'll ask yo, Davy, if happen yo're goin town way, not to talk ony o' your carnal talk to me. I'se got hindrances enough, t' Lord knows. And the lad went his way, morosely hanging his head, and stepping more rapidly as though to get rid of his companion. 'Well, I niver! exclaimed David, in his astonishment.

Bootsey left the office with great precipitation, and as he closed the door behind him, Mr. Jayres glared morosely at a knot-hole in the floor. "Funny about that boy!" he said reflectively. "I don't know as I ever gave in to any living human being before that Boy came along in all my life." Mr.