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Looking down at his deplorable velveteens, Israel discovered that his extensive travels had produced a great rent in one loin of the rotten old breeches, through which a whitish fragment protruded. Remedying this oversight as well as he might, he again implored the woman to wake her husband. "That I shan't!" said the woman, morosely. "Quit the premises, or I'll throw something on ye."

Morosely I survey the faults and follies of my last year. I am grown too canny to pour the new wine of good resolution into the old bottles of my imperfect humors. But I get a certain grim satisfaction in thinking how we all every human being of us share alike in bondage to your oppression. There is the only true and complete democracy, the only absolute brotherhood of man.

He was staring morosely at the ground between his feet when he heard a voice that caused him to start. There, facing him with a light of pleasure in her blue eyes, was the girl of the skees. "Hello!" said she. She extended her hand, and her mitten closed over Pierce's fingers with a firm clasp.

Something within me seemed to say to me, 'This is a boy who also is a real man! ... And it was true, Kay." "You thought that when you knelt in the snow and looked down at that beastly drunken " "Yes! Don't use such words! You looked like a big schoolboy, asleep-that is what you resembled. But I knew you to be a real man." "You are merciful, but I know what you went through," he said morosely.

The individuals thus honored have been already mentioned; though it may be well to add how the Papal Legate, Cardinal Isidore, doffing his frock and donning armor, voluntarily accepted chief direction along the harbor an example of martial gallantry which ought to have shamed the lukewarm Greeks morosely skulking in their cells. Shrewdly anticipating a concentration of effort against the Gate St.

The more he brooded over it the more morosely disquieted he became. The thing grew like a upas tree; it spread until it obsessed all his waking hours and invaded even his dreams. Then a time came when he could endure it no more. He faced the necessity of purging his soul of all uncertainty.

After a time she said " Well, do you mean to say that you have definitely shaken them? Aren't you going back to Athens with them or anything? " I-I don't see how I can," he said, morosely. " Oh," she said. She reflected for a time. At last she turned to him archly and asked: "Some words over a lady?" Coke looked at her blankly. He suddenly remembered the horrible facts. " No-no-not over a lady."

"I came to ask you a question I don't think you can answer," Howard said morosely, not moving farther than the foyer. "I came to ask you what it is about the witches?" Randolph chewed his lip, standing there beside his much-larger guest, conscious of his own prim almost prissy neatness as it contrasted to the other's shaggy look. Shaggy dog, thought Randolph. Big, unkempt, shaggy St. Bernard.

Then he turned the knob and entered his partner's office. Mrs. Emma McChesney was reading a letter. More than that, she was poring over it so that, at the interruption, she glanced up in a maddeningly half-cocked manner which conveyed the impression that, while her physical eye beheld the intruder, her mental eye was still on the letter. "I knew it," said T. A. Buck morosely.

Crossing the little bridge of Rieval, we proceeded along the banks of the Rye, which morosely rolled along, scarcely deigning to murmur its complaints to the woody hills which skirted it, as if in pique for the ruin of its sublime temple, and the disappearance of its monastic lords.