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"So ye had a crack wi' the masther, did ye?" "Aye, quite a crack." "He mistuk ye fur a horse!" he said. This damper on my enthusiasm drew an instant reply. "'Deed no, nor an ass naither." Willie bundled up his hammers and prepared to go home. He took out his flint and steel.

To his surprise came Slavin's soft brogue echoing the last lines of the old Shakespearian sonnet, with a sort of dreamy, gentle bitterness: "As binifits forghot forghot! as binifits forghot! . . . . Luk tu that now! eyah! 'tis th' trute, lad! . . . . for here unless I am mistuk, comes me bould Yorkey an' dhrunk as 'a fiddler's again. Tchkk! an' me on'y just afther warnin' um. . . ."

'tis best so!" he murmured softly, "a showdown wid no ould shtiff av a non-com like meself tu butt in. . . . An', onless I am mistuk that same will come this very morn, from th' luks av things. . . . Sind th' young wan is as handy wid his dhooks as Brankley sez he is! . . . Thin an' on'y thin will there be peace in th' fam'ly."

"He was on the Pattiala guard of honour last winter, and I went out shooting with him in an ekka for the day, and I found him rather an amusing man." "Well, he'll ha' got shut av amusemints, excipt turnin' from wan side to the other, these few years come. I knew Mackie, an' I've seen too many to be mistuk in the muster av wan man.

But I've approached her wi' as much skill as I iver did bear or buffler. An', if signs signerfy anythin', she ain't bad skeeart about it. Contrarywise, Frank. If I ain't terribly mistuk, she shows as ef she'd be powerful willin' to hev me." "If she be so disposed there can't be much difficulty in the matter. You mean to marry her, I presume?"

After a while, she relapsed into her quiet sobbing. "I think maybe he done tuk dat key. I knows he done lef' me durin' de night, an' I b'lieve he done come back. But I ain't gwine say nothin'. Maybe I don' know. Maybe I is mistuk. De whole thing done got too mix' up fuh me. Maybe he kilt her an' maybe he ain' been nigh de place. But I wish I coul' know. My holy Lawd!