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Perhaps in passing an anchored sloop, or near the beach, where some people might be sauntering, I may have heard remarks made in a sneering tone, such as, "You are a queer chap to be handlin' a pair o' oars!" or, "Oh, jimminy! Look at that millikin pin, boys!" And then I could hear other jeers mingled with shouts of laughter. But this did not mortify me in the least.

'Oh! cried Daisy, dropping her paint-brush to clap her hands gleefully, 'Look, Aunt Sophy, he has had his lesson already! Miss Millikin was inclined to be shocked when she read the ticket. 'It was too bad of you, Daisy! she said; 'I would never have allowed it if I had known. Come here, Don, and let me take the horrid thing off.

This time she held him at a distance, and said nothing but two words, which sounded suspiciously like 'You pig! as she put him down. Miss Millikin was very grave and silent as they drove home. 'I can't trust myself to speak about it, Daisy, she said; 'if if it was true, it shows such an utter want of principle such deceit; and Don used to be so honest and straightforward!

But Miss Millikin said he always did prefer mountain scenery, and no doubt it was tiresome for him to have to potter about as they did.

"Those glittering out there on the grass, do you mean? They are fairy diamonds, you know, and they disappear as soon as the sun gets high up." "I know. I didn't mean those; I meant the kind human people wear." "They are sold at rather a respectable price. Are you thinking of investing or are you considering the display Miss Millikin made last night? I think I counted thirteen on one hand.

I'll drink to the Stars and Bars whenever there's a flagstaff and a glass convenient. But where, says I, 'are the rescuing troops? If there was a gun fired or a shell burst, I didn't hear it. "Doc Millikin raises up and points out the window with his flute at the banana-steamer loading with fruit. "'Yank, says he, 'there's a steamer that's going to sail in the morning.

"Doc Millikin thinks awhile, and then he offers me this oath of allegiance to take without any kind of a chaser: "'I, Barnard O'Keefe, Yank, being of sound body but a Republican mind, hereby swear to transfer my fealty, respect, and allegiance to the Confederate States of America, and the government thereof in consideration of said government, through its official acts and powers, obtaining my freedom and release from confinement and sentence of death brought about by the exuberance of my Irish proclivities and my general pizenness as a Yank.

Wait I'll fetch him don't you come, please. And presently Daisy made her appearance on the lawn, carrying Don, who felt quite a weight, in her arms. She set him down before the young man, who examined him in a knowing manner, while Miss Millikin, and some others who were not playing just then, gathered round. Don was languid, but dignified he rather liked being the subject of so much notice.

"'Nothing doing, says the consul. "'Be off with you, then, says I, out of patience with him, 'and send me Doc Millikin. Ask Doc to come and see me. "Doc comes and looks through the bars at me, surrounded by dirty soldiers, with even my shoes and canteen confiscated, and he looks mightily pleased. "'Hello, Yank, says he, 'getting a little taste of Johnson's Island, now, ain't ye?

So he contented himself with letting her see that though he did not understand her conduct towards him, he was willing to overlook it for the present. 'What a wonderful improvement in the dear dog! Miss Millikin remarked one morning at breakfast, after Don had been on short commons for a week or two. 'Really, Daisy, I begin to think you were quite right about him.